Thursday, April 2, 2009

Only In Monsey?

Sorry, not complaining or ranting this time.

Spent my whole day buying Pesach food. Stores were crowded, lines were long - you know how it is. I was waiting on line in the fruit store, doing absolutely nothing valuable with my time when I noticed a plastic container taped to the register. In the container, was a Tehillim with a little sticker on the front instructing you to please make sure to return it to the register. So instead of just standing on line doing nothing, I knocked off my Tehillim for the day.

Don't know about you, but it really made me smile!


Aunt A said...


Or, you could just send your teenagers who drive...

Sorry, Mommy, they didn't have any zucchini, just squash, so I didn't get any.
I know you specified curly parsley, so we got the ones with the curliest stems.

y2k said...

There's a subtle difference between teenage boys and teenage girls.

Actually, more than a subtle difference.

Anyway, yeah, that is nice, but with a title "Only in Monsey" I'm not sure what I was expecting...