Thursday, July 16, 2009

Packing Time

So, time to start thinking about what you send to camp with a 13 year old boy.

Lots of t-shirts. Scratch that. The three or four he likes. He won't wear the rest. Will just wear these over and over again. Washing in between is a waste of time. Just gonna get dirty again.

Sneakers. Crocs. Shabbos Shoes.

Linen? One sheet, one pillowcase, one towel. What, you think he's gonna change his linen? Blanket, pillow.

Underwear? Socks? 3 or 4 of each should be more than enough. You only change those things when you shower. Tzitzis? He'll be wearing a pair. Who needs more?

Suit, hat, white shirts. LOTS of ties. Bathing suit.

LOTS of junk food.

Phone card to call home? Why bother? He won't. Raincoat? Who are we kidding?

When I asked him what I should send less of this year than last, he said "postcards that I have to write."


Aunt A said...

As I told my son, the point of the second set of linen is on the off-chance he gets sick and throws up, it is good to have another option.

Also, FYI, this year's Rayim shirt is different from last year's Rayim shirt.

Aunt ? said...

Socks might actually be worthwhile. If it rains a lot, he might actually change those.

A sweatshirt might be useful also.

y2k said...

Rayim has new shirts??? (They've had the same ones for 20 years...)

Aunt A said...

To quote someone shorter than you, "I would think that if someone really wanted to see his little brother on visiting day" you would have seen them.

Aunt A said...

Hard to imagine that for 20 years they have the same T-shirts, and now that my son has 4 of the old ones (thanks, Aunt Rant!), they have a new design...

Who Me? said...

Perhaps if we feed your son he'll outgrow the old ones?

In about 15 years?

Aunt A said...

Yeah, but then we'd have to keep buying new ones...