Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Packing Time!

All these years girls have been looking for boys who learn x number of years. A boy with a good job.

But here's the truth. You want to marry a guy with a short last name. So when it comes time to label stuff for camp, you won't wonder why you married a guy with a crazy long name!


Aunt A said...

If the name is short enough, you can get a phone number on the first line for no additional charge Just on the off-chance your son might misplace something. (Yes, I know daughters go to camp too, but they rarely bring home other people's clothing.)

Shir Chadash said...

No, we used to bring home other people's clothing. It just wasn't theirs anymore.

This was actually more common in sem, but we'd have shopping days, and all trade stuff from each other's closets.