Sunday, July 12, 2009

Uh Oh...

Y3K will be directing traffic in camp tomorrow.

Do we really think this is a good idea?

Aren't there better ways to utilize her unique talents?

Shouldn't she be at the gate saying "Hiiiii!!!!!! Welcome to Camp Sternberg!!"?


Aunt A said...

Just imagine what she'll do to the drivers she doesn't like. ("Oh please! That car was so nerdy anyway!")

DG said...

How about "That car would have looked better in pink anyway!"

y2k said...

"Your gas-guzzling SUV has such a big t&*h!!!"

y2k said...

I'm sure everyone will be fascinated to know that this is the 100th post in Aunt Rant's illustrious history!!

Who Me? said...

Sorry I couldn't be there to watch. I asked to stay. She said no.

And y2k, according to, this is my 91st post. How do you count 100?

y2k said... math was off.

Who Me? said...

You counted them??

That makes you even more pathetic than me!!

Aunt A said...

Uh, Y2K, why would you figure that out (even inaccurately)? Please remember that we are trying to present you as fun, and having an actual life.

y2k said...

I was showing someone the blog, and on the side it said that there were 63 posts this year and 27 in 2008. I don't count posts for fun. (Although I do do things for Fun.)

Who Me? said...

Uh oh...who were you showing it to??

Aunt A said...


Aunt ? said...

Who's the parent and who's the child anyway? You left because she told you to?