Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fashion Statement

Can someone please explain open toed boots to me?


Aunt A. said...

I am pretty sure they are not for snow.

Who Me? said...

Come on. Little fur toe mittens to accessorize your boots!

Aunt A said...

Think they're waterproof?

Who Me? said...


Aunt ? said...

Definitely weird.

MOGO said...

They serve a very important purpose:

It gave you something to rant about! (and us something to comment on)

y2k said...

Yes, MOGO, and now we get to read insightful comments such as that last one.

Who Me? said...

We should get MOGO a pair for his birthday, Aunt A, shouldn't we?

raizy said...

yes they are quite weird and pointless i just hope no one is willing to spend the money on them and i certainly hope that most of our family is not that stupid to spend wasted money on open toed boots

y2k said...

The Mogo in boots goes squish squish squish, squish squish squish, squish...
Mogo's kids "go pish pish pish"

Aunt A said...

Yes, we should. But now that we'ver heard Raizy's opinion, I guess we will just have to return her Chanukah present.

Who Me? said...

MOGO in high heeled boots...we could sell tickets to that one.

Aunt A said...

Is it just me, or does the phrase "open-toed" remind anyone else of a frog in the middle of disection?

Funny, by the way - I had written suggesting we get them for MOGO on Friday, but the comment didn't go through.

Who Me? said...

No, Aunt A, it's just you. Sorry!!