Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One Can Left

No clue when it will be back on the shelves. Don't tell me I have to start making lunch again!!! That was the beauty of Slim Fast. Never have to think about what to prepare, no clean up, and I lunch is finished in fifteen seconds!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latkes Anybody?

What's Chanukah without latkes? If your last name is the same as mine, it is certainly unthinkable. So when the lid from my trusty food processor broke, which made my food processor unusable, I knew it was time to go shopping and get a new one. Definitely before Chanukah.

I spent two weeks researching food processors. Need one that is big enough, but didn't want to spend mega-bucks on one. We looked high and low and eventually came up with the perfect machine. Which we went out and bought.

Twelve hours later I remembered that Uncle Rant had a perfectly usable food processor sitting with his stuff in the basement.

Why couldn't I have remembered that two weeks ago before I spent all that time looking for a replacement?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Any suggestions?

Ever year we get another box of these in the mail. I go through about three a year for the thingy I use to light Shabbos candles, but that still leaves me with about six whole boxes full. What on earth do I do with them?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Vodka Donuts!


Alcohol importers in Israel have decided to market their vodka in an original way: By hiring a pastry chef who is also a bartender to create vodka-soaked donuts ahead of the Yom Tov of Chanukah.

”Adults await sufganiyot no less than children do,” a source from the company that imports “Hortiza,” the vodka to be infused into the donuts, said.

”Therefore,” he added, “we have decided to launch a line of donuts suitable for adults and party-goers.”

A 100 gram donut, sold at the price of NIS 4.5 - about $1.18 - contains 90 milliliters of vodka diluted with jam.

The vodka contains 35% alcohol, and the alcohol content of each donut is equal to that of a bottle of beer.

In other words, anyone eating more than one vodka donut had better hand over his or her car keys to a friend.

In order to meet the requirements of the law, the vodka donut will only be sold to adults presenting the appropriate ID.

The vodka donut trend seems to be spreading this year, and has also reached many bakeries in lower concentrations.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


For all those of you who are interested, you can order whole pigs at Shop Rite for the holiday.

Just in case you wanted to know.

And there are way too many real pictures of actual roast pigs on google images!