Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One Can Left

No clue when it will be back on the shelves. Don't tell me I have to start making lunch again!!! That was the beauty of Slim Fast. Never have to think about what to prepare, no clean up, and I lunch is finished in fifteen seconds!


MOGO said...

So why is it no longer "on the shelves"?

Aunt A said...

They don't sell the tainted stuff anymore? Can't imagine why. Should be cheap, though.

Who Me? said...

MOGO: Something about some of the product being tainted.

Aunt A: I looked ALL over for the tainted stuff. Couldn't find any. :(

Aunt A said...

Ice cream is quick, easy, and loaded with calcium... and probably not tainted.

Aunt A said...

Could you just drink the last can already, and rant about something else?!

Who Me? said...

Had the last can yesterday. Sooooo sad...