Sunday, January 17, 2010

For Those of You With Less of a Life Than Me!

Impossible Quiz

Personally, I just found it annoying. But that was just me!


Anonymous said...

Who has less of a life than ... never mind.

raizy said...

Its definitely an annoying quiz, but from what I remember at one point we were all obsessed with finishing it but I don't remember if we ever did.

MOGO said...

Why post when the first one says it all (unless possibly, the rest of us are living vicariously through you, how's that for a scary thought).

Who Me? said...

Thanx you guys, I feel so loved.

Aunt A said...

Did you really expect the title to pass unremarked? You said it, not us! We just commented..

Tina said...

Thanks for the link. It was annoying...but it killed some time. :)