Saturday, January 16, 2010

Which One is Worse??

Scheduling your son's high school faher during the Super Bowl? Or sending him snack for school that he is allergic to?


Aunt A said...

You make it sound like a choice, as though you would only do one or the other. Hard to imagine any mother would do both.

Child Protective Services said...

We could overlook the peanut allergy thing, but missing the Super Bowl? Hold on, little Rant, we are on our way!

y2k said...

Super Bowl. Definitely. (What Yeshiva even schedules farhers for during the Super Bowl???

Aunt A said...

What kollel boy even knows when the superbowl is?

Oh, right, the one who doesn't really want to be in his kollel.

Who Me? said...

Wait...why am I limiting myself...I can do both!!

Oh wait. Already did.

y2k said...

Aunt A -

When you have a first seder chavrusa like I do, you learn these things.

Aunt A said...

Learn what, that possible anaphylactic shock is worse than missing the Super Bowl?

MOGO said...

Why don't you ask him which was worse? (That way you'll know which to do again).

Some more thoughts to ponder:

Will the person giving the Faher give him extra point for the choice of time slot, or be mad that he's missing the game too?

Does he actually eat your snacks, or trade them for something better?

Oh well, it's tough being the meanest mother in the world, keep on working at it!

Who Me? said...

MOGO: Rescheduled the farher, though didn't tell them why.

Sometimes he trades his snacks, sometimes he eats them. In this case, he had peanut laden chocolate for dessert after breakfast.

Am still working on that meanest mother thing. Weren't we always told whatever you do, do it right?

y2k said...

Who Me: I can assure you that inside, the one who gives the farhers was thanking you just as much as Rantlet #4 should be.

Aunt ? said...

If I remember correctly, we made a Bar Miyzvah in the middle of the super bowl and someone made MOGO announce the score.

Aunt A said...

Hellloooo, "Meanest Mother" is MY title! (Take a vote on the block, I get at least 5 votes, you only get 4, at most.)

No comments here on whether any of the voters are entitled to more than one vote based on size.

On the other hand, I haven't tried to kill any of my kids...