Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Thank you, Alexander Graham Bell

I'm really not sure exactly how this is supposed to work. Am I supposed to be blogging about all the exciting things that go on in my life? Hope not, since my life isn't particularly exciting. Do I throw out controversial topics and let my loyal readers, all four of you, argue about them? Or do I just pontificate and offer my opinions on anything and everything? Don't know. Let's give it a shot and see what happens.

Let's talk about kids and cell phones. At what age does one need a cell phone? Is this based on actual need or the idea that everyone else has one? Why do elementary school kids need cell phones? And if half an eighth grade class has cell phones why should the other half feel deprived?

No question that cell phones have changed the way we live, in many ways for the better. But is it really necessary to be reachable 24/6? And does every person over the age of 10 need their own dedicated line?

Seems to me that when there's an actual need for one, then maybe it's time to get your kid a phone. But if they just want to be cool, let them pay for it.


Shir Chadash said...

Well, in Israel they seem to distribute them at birth along with their national ID card...that, in my opinion, is slightly overkill- why does your five-year-old need a cellphone when he's walking home from gan with the eight-year-old responsible big sibling?

Anonymous said...

i agree. little kids should not have cell phones. I say this taking the risk tat chumi may see this and then refuse to talk 2 me for the rest of her life/till next time shes bored, whichever comes frst

Anonymous said...

before a kid starts driving, i don't get why they need a phone. after sixteen...well, i wouldn't want my kid driving somewhere with no phone.

and just cuz you have a phone, doesn't mean you're reachable. sometimes i shut off my phone when i don't want to be disturbed

Anonymous said...

See? We're arguing already! And shir chadash, let's make a rule now, NO PROOFS FROM ISARAELIS!!!!

There's no right answer, 'cuz every kid is different, and then you get into "but .... has one!" Sorry.

On an unrelated topic, I heard that in a few months (IY"H) this blog's name is being changed to Grandma's Gripes.

Sandy Eller said...

Shir Chadash: I disagree. The 5 year old isn't coming home from gan with the 8 year old. The 5 year old is walking the 2 year old home from gan. So maybe he does need the cell!

Pinnyk: But how do you define little? Is 10 little? How about 15? You wouldn't hire a 10 year old as a babysitter, but you would certainly hire a 15 year old. So is the 15 year old little or not?

Youngerandcooler: You're right that in this day and age there's no reason to drive anywhere without a cell phone. But if I'm giving my kid my car, I can give them my phone, too. Certainly living here, once I gave out my car, I'm not likely to be going anywhere. So while they do need a cell phone once they're driving, it doesn't have to be their own phone.

Y2k: Ah...peer pressure. Every kid is different. But if enough kids in your class have a real need for a cell phone, wouldn't you feel uncool if you didn't have one, too?

And the name of this blog is only being changed to Grandma's Gripes if my Mom takes it over. And considering that I just taught her how to google something last week, I don't think we're in any danger of that happening any time soon.

aliza said...

ok how about this for an incentive to get your teenager a phone; you can never use your phone at home because she's either on it, or waiting for a call...

Anonymous said...

My kids got cells at 13. At the time they were going to school in Miami Beach while we live 20 miles away in North Miami Beach. Also, their friends lived all over the place so keep track of them was a real challenge. The phones we got for them were bare bones and the plans did NOT include texting, surfing, or any of the other unimportant bells and whistles.

Sandy Eller said...

Aliza: You're right. If there's one phone line in the house, and you can't use your phone because your kids are always on it, you need to do something and why is a cell phone any worse than a land line? Of course, are your kids going to share it equally? In our case, we already have the extra land line for the kids, so your argument is moot.

MadHungarian: Perfect example of when kids DO need cell phones. And if they need phones, I'm with you. Bare bones, no frills. One of the local girls high school just sent home a note about two weeks ago asking parents to remove texting from their girls' phones. Shockingly enough, almost EVERYONE in the school complied with the request!

Anonymous said...

"why is a cell phone any worse than a land line?"

Besides for the obvious texting/internet/etc. differences, a kid on a landline at home usually has a nagging "fear" that his/her parents can walk in at anytime. Believe me, that makes a difference.

Unknown said...

When my son started mesivta is when I gave him a cell phone. no internet. light texting, cos then (5 years ago) texting wasn't bad. But then I found out that my son downloaded stuff (jokes & ringtones, nothing more)so I took away the phone for a week. That taught him that he had to ask before he did. It was hard that week trying to reach him. My 13 yr old son has been bugging me for one as if it's his right. I told him when he gets into HS he'll get one. it's not as if my kids travel by themselves on public transportation all over the place.

BTW, what did us alteh kakers do before cell phones?

Anonymous said...

pin, consider urself in deep trouble. im never talking 2 u again. famous last words ;) and please guys, dont give my mom any good ideas.

Anonymous said...

Annette: We used pay phones, which can no longer exist. :)

Who Me? said...

Mad Hungarian: There are no more payphones because there are cell phones. But we managed just fine, didn't we?

Annette: It's not just cell phones. How about the stuff kids have on their iPods? Do you really know what your kids are listening to? Or what videos one of the kids in his class downloaded to his iPod? When we got my son an mp3 player, we hard a hard time finding one that met our specifications: decent amount of memory, NO radio and NO video!