Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Gotta Love It!


Aunt A said...

Hey, we could play this! (Would've been perfect for Friday nights in Tahtee's house.)

y2k said...

OK, Aunt A, I'll play it with you. But I go first.

Ze Mad Hungarian said...

It's a SHANDA! Vy, that bochur and meidel are in the same room and laughing together!!! Oy veyz meir - who knows vat dis might lead to!!! I vill be calling the tzius patrol on you. You vill be sorry after they give you such a patch!!

Aunt A said...

Y2K: Is chivalry dead? Is that how you were raised? What kind of family did you grow... oh. Never mind.
Mad H: Don't be silly. They live in a community near us and are married.