Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What Can You Do With a Dollar?


Aunt A said...

...or, you could just buy coffee.

Moderate...errrr said...

not anymore u cant

MODO said...

I'ld put my 2 cents in, but if that's all you can do with a dollar, then my 2 cents just aren't worth the time it takes to type them.

Aunt A. said...

MODO: Mean Old...?

Now, now, children, anyone from the younger generation has to show respect and not answer that one.

Who Me? said...

But I'm not the younger generation!!!

Mean Old Decrepit One?
Mean Old Dusty One?
Mean Old Disheveled One?
Mean Old Disturbed One?


How about

Mean Old Dear One?
Mean old Delicious One?
Mean Old 'Dorable One?

Tom said...

First payment on my hair-transplant & botox, layaway plan.