Monday, May 11, 2009

What Do You Think?

Is it possible to gain 10 pounds in one week?


Tom said...

Yup. Can't say I recommend it.

y2k said...

I'm scared to ask what "Pitzuchei" means...

But if it's something "good", I know what I'm naming my first kid...

Aunt A said...

I have no clue what that stuff is, but am proud to have my name on anything that can put on that much weight that fast!

Aunt A said...

...and in answer to your question, yes, it is always possible to gain weight rapidly when eating with Uncle Rant. Can't wait!

Who Me? said... spent how many months in that country and you don't know what "pitzuchei" is?

Those bags held nuts for Shabbos. No, not the human kind.

Gotta face the scale tomorrow...not looking forward at all!!

Can anybody say "treadmill"?

y2k said...

Aunt A-

It's a time I prefer not to think about.

(Actually, it's not...but I want to see Shir Chadash's reaction to that one...)

Shir Chadash said...

Darn. I had this whole eloquent post and then the page rebooted.