Thursday, August 6, 2009

Holy Shidduch!

Gotta check out this website: People post their dating stories. Some of my favorites:

I once picked up a girl for a first date and went to the airport since it's a nice public place. After talking for about twenty minutes she got up and said needed to go. I stood up and started walking towards my car, she turned and started walking to the gate. When I glanced at her questioningly she said, "My friend told me you brought her here on a date last week. I just needed a lift, so I told the Shadchan yes."

I was at a restaurant on a shidduch with this guy. I went up to use the restroom and when I returned half of my pasta dish was missing. The guy said that is how much was there when I got up, while a string of my angel hair pasta hung from his beard.


Aunt A said...

These must have been made up! (Although perhaps our husbands could contribute stories of their own...)

Aunt ? said...

Your husbands, maybe. I have a sneaking suspicion that you and I remember more about my husband's other 2 dates than he does. Which I guess must be the ultimate compliment, so I really can't complain.

Aunt A said...

I meant their dates with us.

MOGO said...

How remembers dating, I think those still "in the Parsah" will have much better stories to tell.

y2k said...

This is why I won't date guys with beards.

Aunt A said...

Um, that begs the question...

y2k said...


Aunt A said...

What have you got against angel-hair pasta?

What, that's not what you thought I'd ask?

neighbor said...

depressing. we need really good social skills training in the frum community.

including knowing how to park WITHIN the lines in a parking lot.

Aunt A said...

Hey, you have a problem with women parking their cars on dates?

Shir Chadash said...

What about the girl who thought she'd be sensible and date for three months, minimum, and instead had the whole family planning her wedding after 2 weeks?

Or the one where the guy got two parking tickets on the first three dates?

Or the one where they went for a walk and came back 3 hours and 7 miles later?

Or the one where he had to untangle her hair from the sukkah lights?

Aunt A said...

Ooh, I missed some of those as they happened; darn!

MOGO said...

To Shir Chadash: Whatever happened to that girl/couple?

Don't tell me she's having second thoughts already :(

Just remember: everything that happens, happens for a reason?

Mommy A said...

Her only second thoughts are how she married the best guy anywhere, and how lucky she is! (Even if the extended family is a bit odd.)

MOGO said...

I guess that's the rest of you, for a change, cause we're not "extended" family!

Anyone remember the song "I'm my own grandpa"?

Aunt A said...

Um, no, MOGO. You are her husband's extended family. (In other words, far enough that she doesn't have to worry about your traits showing up in her kids.)

Uh oh. I am not your extended family!

Shir Chadash said...

And my own nonextended family is normal???