Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mazel Tov!!

No, no, no...nothing like that.

100th post, woo hoo!!!!

Given that my brain has completely turned to applesauce, anyone out there got suggestions for a post?

Counting the minutes till school starts...I knowI'm such a bad mother...just can't help it anymore!


Aunt A said...

I have a great idea; why don't you take your nieces and nephews who are also home, and do fun local things with all the kids! Things will be so much more fun when their cousins come too.

And even if they are not, you will have spent quality time with them; they grow up so fast, you know!

MOGO said...

Darn, and here we were hoping for ...

I'm sure that since is you favorite time of the yeat, you can find something to post.

When does school start?

Who Me? said...

Maybe that's why I've been so cranky...they didn't run that Staples commercial this year!!

Aunt A said...

"It's the most wonderful time of the year..."

Feel better now?