Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Nine days left till school starts.

Nine days left till school starts.

Nine days left till school starts.

Ok, sorry, had to get that out of my system.

So, to make school start earlier, I want to start doing practical, school related things. And right now,I'm thinking about lunches. Rantlet #2 gets peanut butter. Every day. Rantlet #3 gets chumus every day. #4 gets cream cheese or american cheese. #5? Who remembers?

I'm thinking we need more creative lunches. Anyone got any ideas? And fyi: hate making tuna. Don't know why. And they don't really love it, either.


Aunt A said...

I have lots of ideas, but most of them are either unhealthy, or someone in your family (whoever has to eat them) will get mad at me.

raizy said...

at least for chumi, i dont know if anyone else would it you can do a chicken salad, other than that i'm out of ideas half the time i dont know what to eat for breakfast never mind what to eat for lunch

y2k said...

Personally, I think that peanut butter can accomplish more if fed to Rantlet #3, but hey, that's just my opinion...

Aunt A said...

Just don't feed it to Rantlet #4! That would accomplish something, but nothing we want...

Shir Chadash said...

So here's the deal- tuna gets soggy. I bring a tupperware of tuna, and bread in a ziploc bag. Then make my sandwich at school.

Or salad and leftover chicken works great- again, salad dressing comes to school in a separate container.

Or what about a cold omelet?

Deli wraps work well- I like these square whole wheat wraps and the Aarons' fat free turkey, with pareve caesar dressing.

Or Chumi can bring a container of guacamole and string cheese and salsa- or maybe nix the string cheese, substitute pizza cheese, and dump it all onto a rice cake or Triscuits?