Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Free Samples!!

Ok, guys, guess what?

Today I am actually earning some money. That's right, just by putting this up, I am gonna earn a few (very few) bucks.

I signed up to get emails from a site that has free stuff called You know me. I love free stuff. And I've gotten some fun free samples from these guys. Hey, it's free. How could you go wrong? Besides, you get to try out lots of nice shampoo, among other things. There is usually something new going up on the list every day and I don't have to remember to check out the site. They send me emails with a link to the free stuff du jour.

In an effort to get more people to come to their site, they are offering cash to bloggers who put up a post with a link to their site. All I have to do is tell you about it. Even if you don't visit the site, I still get paid. But go visit anyway. Free stuff is free stuff!!

So, boys and girls, here you go. Free stuff for everyone. Woo hoo!!

Click here for free samples Check it out!

1 comment:

Aunt A said...

Isn't this just going to get us all lots of spam? Not what you mean, I imagine, by "free stuff", but perhaps we can serve it on Succos.