Sunday, November 22, 2009

Discuss Amongst Yourselves...

Since all you guys wanted a chance to rant again, let's just pick a topic and everyone can voice their opinions.


Ok, guys, let's hear what you have to say about bananas.


y2k said...

Yellow bananas.
Sometimes sweet, sometimes mushy.
This don't rhyme, thank G-d.

Who Me? said...

nicely done, y2k!

Thought bananas was appropriate for us...

Aunt A said...

Isn't this like when the teacher isn't prepared, so he just has the class write an essay, or if he really isn't prepared at all, and something like a having a math contest, where the kids compete against one another on the board?

Aunt A said...

Am I banned? This is the second comment that didn't post. Let's try it again:

Isn't this like when a teacher isn't prpared, so he has the class discuss something, or gets them to compete against each other in a math contest, and pays his cousin... oops, giving away family secrets.

Aunt A said...

...or maybe sometimes they don't post right away.

y2k said...

Hey, it takes a certain chochmah to not pay the cousin until the SECOND day, and have some random kid win first, so no one catches on.

raizy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
raizy said...

very much so but y2k what are you talking about?

Who Me? said...

Gold star, Aunt A. You guys wanted an opportunity to discuss. Why do I have to come up with the ideas when you are all so creative?

And yes, it does take time for comments to post.

raizy said...

but its no fun unless someone starts a topic and i dont know about the rest of you but my posts always go up right away

y2k said...

Mine go up right away also. Apparently (no pun intended) Aunt A's comments are often in need of moderation, so hers take a bit longer.

Aunt A said...

Exactly my suspicion. The rest of you don't need that 8-second tape delay.

MOGO said...

they tast good (until they get mushy).

y2k said...

Bananas are good, until they get mushy;
Mangoes are good, until they get squishy;
But MOGO's beard is always good, even bushy.

Who Me? said...

Nice, y2k!

And Aunt A, I don't moderate comments. Just delete the ones I don't like.

Not yours. I don't have a death wish.

Aunt A said...

Heh heh heh...

That gives me a lot of leeway!