Friday, December 11, 2009

Any suggestions?

Ever year we get another box of these in the mail. I go through about three a year for the thingy I use to light Shabbos candles, but that still leaves me with about six whole boxes full. What on earth do I do with them?


y2k said...

Well, considering you didn't tell us what you're talking about (Chanuka candles? Kids? Bavarian cream doughnuts? Rabid weasels?), I'll reserve judgement on this one...

Aunt A said...

So funny - my response was going to be the same, except for the part about the rabid kids and weasels...
Whatever they are, you can give them to Mommy and Tahtee; I am sure they will find a use, or at least a space, for them

Who Me? said...

I would have no problems figuring out what to do with six boxes of Bavarian cream donuts!

Did you not notice the picture?

Aunt A said...

No, we did not.

There is no picture.

Did you not notice that there is no picture?

Who Me? said...

No, actually, I did not!

All fixed...

Aunt A said...

That's pretty funny. You can call your sister and ask if she needs a box (now that they are not rabid weasels. We've got all we need of those.)

Aunt A said...

Y2K: Doesn't "Rabid Weasels" sound like a great name for a league team? (Or, unfortunately, a learning group?)