Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latkes Anybody?

What's Chanukah without latkes? If your last name is the same as mine, it is certainly unthinkable. So when the lid from my trusty food processor broke, which made my food processor unusable, I knew it was time to go shopping and get a new one. Definitely before Chanukah.

I spent two weeks researching food processors. Need one that is big enough, but didn't want to spend mega-bucks on one. We looked high and low and eventually came up with the perfect machine. Which we went out and bought.

Twelve hours later I remembered that Uncle Rant had a perfectly usable food processor sitting with his stuff in the basement.

Why couldn't I have remembered that two weeks ago before I spent all that time looking for a replacement?


Aunt A said...

Do you really want me to answer that?

MOGO said...

Cause you're of Eastern .... descent, and getting old and senile too : >

Aunt A said...

Mr. "I can't remember when my real birthday is but am happy to publicize my sisters'" is in a position to talk?