Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Am I Too Old To Blog?

So what do you think? Is the mother of five kids, aged almost 8 - almost 21 too old to start her own blog? I know what my kids will say. It's embarrassing and extremely uncool. That's why I'm not asking them. I'm asking you!


pinnyk said...

:-) beautiful

Anonymous said...

nice first post

pinnyk said...

my aunt is awesome like that

Sandy Eller said...

Awww...you guys are so sweet! I'm blushing!

pinnyk said...

im a sweetheart like that. so when do u start ranting?

Anonymous said...

Ooh boy, I thought you were joking!! Of course you're not too old, but you may be too "nice"...

Sandy Eller said...

No one said a blog has to be mean.

And I never claimed to be nice!

Anonymous said...

so how often do we get posts and rants?

Sandy Eller said...

As often as I can find something to rant about!

YajB (The Woolley MomMyth) said...

It's all about mortifying the offspring!

Who Me? said...

Hey, that's what we all live for!

Anonymous said...

i think it is totally uncool and highly embarrassing. i could probably get kicked out of skewl 2

Who Me? said...

No problem. There's a nice school on the corner that we could send you to...

Anonymous said...

In a word, YES!

I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Get a life!

pinnyk said...

in response to the "anonymous" poster, i must disagree. my beautiful young aunt is not too old for anything and she has a life and shes living it vicariously thru her blog. Blog on!

Who Me? said...

pinnyk, you are my favorite nephew. You can wear the mitzvah crown next time you come over. Sorry, though, it's not pink.