Friday, November 21, 2008

Vitamin Water

I have a confession to make.

I like Vitamin Water. It's not something I have often. And I don't normally drink sugary stuff. But oddly enough, I like Vitamin Water. But not when it's cold.

See, here's the thing about Vitamin Water. It tastes like they basically took Kool Aid, watered it down, threw in a few vitamins and said, "Hey, we can charge money for diluted punch because people will think it's healthy since we threw the word "vitamin" in the name! If you drink it ice cold, you can barely taste the flavor. So, as gross as it sounds, try it room temperature. Much better that way.

And of course, take a few minutes to read the bottles. They're quite entertaining.


pinnyk said...

yum. i used to be very anti vitamin water but i have since seen the light. the yellow one is nasty tho

Anonymous said...

I prefer kabala water. Glowing in the dark is cool and I can now cross the bay on foot without getting wet.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if they still make mango-peach, but that was may favorite. And the bottle was quite entertaining, but slightly inapproporate. (Hey, just like Uncle Rant!)

Who Me? said...

Is there really such a thing as Kabala water? Does it come with a red bendela around it?

The yellow one may be nasty, but it has caffeine in it. As someone who hates coffee, I stock a few bottles of the yellow stuff for emergencies.

Never had mango peach, but it sounds yummy. I had one that was great, but I don't remember which one there are so many! Anyone ever had the lemonade? Does it come in small bottles or just big?

And yeah, a few of the bottles weren't rated G. Couldn't believe they sold the XXX one in one of the local eateries here!