Thursday, November 27, 2008

What Were They Thinking?

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Everyone has their own taste. Their own sense of style.

Except the guy I saw at the bank yesterday.

This wasn't just a random person standing on line. This was a bank teller, at his place of employment, dressed for work. Dress shirt, tie, ponytail.

Ponytail? This wasn't just slightly longer than average hair. This was a pony tail long enough to donate to Chai Lifeline. (For all you guys out there, that's a minimum of ten inches long, but they prefer twelve inches. And he had the full twelve.) How can a guy get dressed to go to work, make himself look presentable and still have a ponytail halfway down his back?

As I'm looking at this guy, I'm thinking to myself, well at least a ponytail is better than a goatee.

Oh wait, he has one of those, too.

Nothing is creepier looking than a goatee. Except a goatee and a ponytail.


pinnyf said...

Its not that bad, In Dallas I saw people like that all the time... They just get dressed up and do there hair, girls do it why cant he?

aliza said...

just be thankful there wasn't a braid there. those are worse. braids belong on challah and females

and there are plenty of things that guys do that girls don't do...

pinnyf said...

Keep in mind the guy is working in a bank...

Who Me? said...

Oh come on! People in Dallas eat roadkill for supper! Do we really want to use them as proof for anything?

Aliza, just seems to me the ponytail and the goatee are so oppposite. Ponytail is feminine. Goatee says I think I'm so macho. Though I'm guessing all the biker dudes with ponytails wouldn't be too happy to hear my views.

All they really say to me is "I have no taste and lots of gender confusion."