Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A Gutten Chodesh, Everybody!

Hey, it's party time!!

You know what they say about the family that drinks together???


Anonymous said...

Yup, the son went down and it's ADAR!

If anyone wants I can share with them past CLEAN purim torah (I think I have 9 or 10 diffrent ones).

Perhaps I'll do a countdown to Purim and spam you all with one a day(even though I think some of the older ones are better than this years)

Anonymous said...

MOGO - I'm already counting down to Purim, you're welcome to count down with me!

Anyway, yes, the family that drinks together needs to go to the bathroom together.

I guess that means that Chumi won't be drinking.

(Upon thinking it over, at this point I'm not one to make bathroom jokes, given the week that I had...)

And no, if you don't get it, I'm not going to explain it. MOGO, we'll talk separately if you want!

Anonymous said...

I think the sons go down after it's Adar; about two weeks after Adar atarts, actually.

raizy said...

all I an do is laugh. But I want to see this years purim torah send them to me and I'll tell you which to use.

Who Me? said...

I was thinking more like the family that drinks together upchucks together.

Or embarrasses themselves together. Oh wait, we already do that!!

Meanwhile, it's PARTY time!!

Anonymous said...

I put this on Facebook, but since some of you are not there, I'm putting it here too:

Count down to Purim: I would do the math, but I don't have enough fingers!

I have a bunch of Purim Torah to get you ready for Purim. Some are better than others, and I may run out of days, but I hope that they get you in the Purim mood (note I didn't say SPIRIT on purpose)


Who Me? said...

Mogo: Use your toes!!!

Anonymous said...

MOGO: you posted on this one yesterday; that's why you didn't see it on the other post. Have we started celebrating a wee bit too early?

Who Me? said...

Mogo: Uncle Rant LOVED the cholent post. No surprise there!

Anonymous said...

It's NEVER to early for Purim!

Who Me? said...

Party time, y2k! Got your green lipstick?

raizy said...

hey! the chulent one is old!

Who Me? said...

Raizy, hopefully Daddy isn't saving any cholent from last year to send...