Friday, February 27, 2009

Who Wants A Drink??

Saw these in the store the other day and it was just a Kodak moment. So glad I happened to have had my camera on me! think they have any other kind of cups?


Anonymous said...

I know someone who'd buy them if they were cheap enough...actually, several someones.

raizy said...

i think its actually more than several somebodys but thats disgusting and mogo dont say that you can wash them out that is just nasty

Anonymous said...

How about if I used bleach & then let then washed them out.

Anonymous said...

That's one "somebody" present and accounted for...

Who Me? said...

I didn't buy them!

I was going to, but I forgot...

Anonymous said...

I meant MOGO, when I said "one 'somebody'", but yes, once you have identified yourself, we are about halfway done with the list. (Two thirds, if married couples count as one.)

Who Me? said...

Ummm...don't think our parents are reading this.

Besides, they'll wait to find the moldy cups on sale, and REALLY moldy!!

Don't be silly - you can just scrape that mold right off and they'll be good as new!

Anonymous said...

I hope you didn't mean me to make the 2/3. Moldy cups are vile!

Anonymous said...

Reva - no, I meant MOGO, his other sister, and the couple who taught them everything they know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, OK.

Who Me? said...

Hmmm...looks like you're the odd man out, Aunt A.

Maybe we need to send you back to the source to be re-educated in the finer points of recycling and conservation...

Anonymous said...

...and delighted to be, too!

Shir Chadash said...

Abba might buy 'em, too...

Anonymous said...

Would he really? I didn't think he was quite as bad as the rest of us.

Who Me? said...

Saw them in the store again today. Couldn't bring myself to buy them.

Anonymous said...

Hard to imagine they had any left, with that great sales pitch.