Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Ideas, anybody??

Ok, time to start thinking about this summer's story.

Anyone out there have any suggestions?


pinnyk said...

sari buys a car?

y2k said...

Yes, actually, I do have ideas, but I don't think that you'll be able to use any of them. Unfortunately.

MOGO said...

Truth is stranger than fiction.

I'm sure that the last year or so might give you lots of intresting things to right.

But since you ignored my ideas last time, I'm not helping!

Aunt A said...

MOGO: no horror stories for the children.

Aunt: How about this? The family that puts the "fun" in "dysfunctional" takes a trip to E'Y...

y2k said...

Harry Potter and the Maximus of Gluteous.

Aunt A said...

Or, as we will hear tonight at the Shabbos table, C---- E---- and the... I know, I know, this post removed by moderator.

y2k said...

Aunt A:

We won't just be HEARING about it. My guess is that someone is going to try to make it an "in-your-face" experience...

Aunt A said...

That's because there is no moderator at the table! Hmm, let's pick someone mature and authorotative.

OK, that's out. Any other ideas?

Who Me? said...

Must be slow...don't know what I was supposed to be removing about C.E.?

Aunt A said...

C.E. and her G.M., arriving at out table at frequent intervals. Coming soon to a simcha near you!

Shir Chadash said...

Chava Rivka chronicles our bizarre grownup reactions to her arrival, expressions, etc.?

Aunt A said...

I can see that we are bizarre, but since when are our reactions grown-up?