Sunday, January 11, 2009

Need Some Opinions

So, let's say that just as a hobby, someone was to hypothetically start reviewing the occasional CD for an as yet non-existent Jewish Music blog (and get some free CDs in the process).

Hypothetically, they'd need a pen name. I'm thinking something that doesn't divulge the fact that they are (hypothetically)female.

Any suggestions?


Anonymous said...

Can't Rant?
Ranty Eller?

Anonymous said...

musicmaven (hypothetically)

Like you need another reason to spend more time at the computer!

Anonymous said...

Gluteous maximus.

Who Me? said...

Actually, I figured this way I'd at least be doing something productive at my computer.

Come on, you guys, I need REAL suggestions. Something cute, but not too cute.

Anonymous said...

Grammy's Grammy Awards?
Much as I hate to give credit, "Musicmaven" was cute.
Do the freebies make it productive?

Who Me? said...

Maven is already in use.

I thought kol isha would be cute, but didn't want to divulge the girl part. Though I may yet change my mind on that. Also, thought it sounded a little too feminist.

Let's see. Save $17 on CDs, listen to music all day, and while I'd still be spending my day on the computer, I'd feel more productive.

Anonymous said...

Grammy or Granny?

How about GraNNy Awards?

oops, I forgot, that kind of says that you're a girl.

Who Me? said...

Hello? Did you also miss the point that it makes me sound like I'm old????

Anonymous said...

So many possible responses to this. Let's see:

You are a GRANNY, so just get used to it (and your usual comeback wont work, I'm not nor will I ever be a granny).

Possibly, you had a child at the age of 12, and so did your daughter(or is 24 too old too)? Then again, Dovid will disagree with you about that. He's about to be older than that!

How can you be old, you're on facebook, and are talking about a blog?

Or maybe, there is a slight possibility, that you could be ever so slightly

scroll down

scroll down

scroll down

OLD (but despite everything, not quite as old as me)

Anonymous said...

I aksed Mogo if he should respond to your comment, or I should, and we voted for both:
No, we did not miss that fact.

Anonymous said...

I was wrong; I thought Uncle A's ideas would be too cutesy Here is his creative, original suggestion: Jewish Music Review. Hope that helps.

Who Me? said...

MOGO: And having a child at the age of 12 would make me a respectable member of society? Thanx a lot!

Yes, I know I'm a grandmother. But Granny's wear bubby shoes, knit and have their hair blued at the beauty salon. Sorry, not ready for that. At least not this week.

As for Uncle A: oh come on!!

So far we're contemplating: Music maven, Listen Up, Jewish Music Snob (don't actually know about that one) and some made up guy's name.

Who Me? said...

Obviously I'm in desperate need of better suggestions, so help!

And where are all the kids today?

Anonymous said...

We were wondering the same thing! Where are they all hanging out and what kind of trouble are they getting into (together)?? What will they think when they catch up?!?

Respectable member of society, in our family, who are you kidding? Besides this was an anonymous name on a hypothetical blog.

Lastly, perhaps if people had responded to my e-mail last night, I would have stayed off the computer a little longer (actually I'm 1/3 of the way through shmoneh esrei already.)

Reva wants to know if it's your turn to get picked on this month, instead of mine?

Anonymous said...

I'm beginning to think we ALL need to get a life, but I guess this is much healthier than the old family sport - voldemort bashing!

Who Me? said...

Sure, you guys can pick on me. Let's let MOGO have a well deserved (but very short vacation.)

Aunt A came up with a great name that I can't use: "Do I Really Want to Spend $17 On This?"

How about Voice of Reason?

Anyone have any suggestions for things that go well with any of the following words: Music, Chord, Key, Listen, Voice?

And where are those kids when we need them? They're the ones who came up with Aunt's Rant!

Anonymous said...

For someone who is going to be critiquing music, how about DissChord?

Who Me? said...


But we're hoping to be more positive than negative. Any other suggestions?

pinnyk said...

hows about musicking? makes u sound like a guy

Anonymous said...

Of course, if your main worry is having people realize that you're not a guy, you could just use your real first name...

pinnyk said...

how about sandysongs?

Who Me? said...

Musicking makes me sound egotistical and self-centered. But you're right - definitely doesn't make me sound like a girl!!

Trying to avoid anything with Sandy in it.

Other thoughts that came to me: Note Worthy, Kol B'Rama.

Thoughts, opinions, any other suggestions?

Anonymous said...

MDB or AFREID or some other mangeled name? Of course you'ld have to figure out what they stood for first. And use that somewhere too.

Anonymous said...

I like NoteWorthy the best so far.