Tuesday, January 20, 2009

What Kind of a Jewish Name is That?

Uncle Rant came home very upset today.

He was in a store and saw a new, heimishe product. A meal in a bar, called "Grab One".

At first I thought he was upset by the concept of a meal in a bar. Those of you who know Uncle Rant know that if you can wrap it up in a little foil packet weighing half an ounce, Uncle Rant doesn't consider it a meal.

But apparently, that wasn't the problem. Uncle Rant was horrified by the idea of heimishe people grabbing anything. Is that any way for a frum person to act?

So I was wondering. What would be a proper name for a Cholov Yisroel meal replacement bar?


Anonymous said...

Uncle Rant misread it - it said "Grub One", for the kind of person who is their target customer?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The Ben Dosai bar?

starfleetzz said...

TBD (Tuna Beigal Daily). For all those chassidim wannabes.