Thursday, January 22, 2009

Spam, Spam, Spam, Wonderful Spam!!

No, I'm not talking Monty Python.

I'm talking about the stuff that has been inundating my Inbox as of late. Tons and tons of emails. But none of them fun or exciting.

Offers to get out of debt. (Was I in debt? And if so, why didn't anyone tell me?) Offers for free laptops, free cosmetics, free cell phones and free Walmart and Costco gift cards. Discount pharmaceuticals from Canada, opportunites to make millions without ever leaving the house...the list just goes on and on and on.

Obviously, I've gotten on someone's list...anyone out there have any creative ideas for getting off?


Anonymous said...

As best as I can figure it, the only way out is to change your email address - but then the people who you want to find you can't either, because you'll never remember to send all of them the new one!

Anonymous said...

There really isn't any way out.

For future reference: Never reply to spam - that only confirms that the email is valid. Get a better spam filter or reset your spam filter threshold.