Ok, guys, so I'm thinking soup. Maybe Split Pea. Uncle Rant and y2k's favorite!!
But I need something else with it. Was hoping to find small packs of those little fishy croutons, but no one has them. (I hit 5 stores today.) I could buy croutons and repack them. I could make my own. I could make Challah, but prefer not to. I saw individual packets of melba toast, but that seemed so nerdy!
So, what goes with soup? Doesn't have to be Split Pea. Maybe Onion Soup? (No, no cheese. Can't deal with that. Besides, need to use fleishic pots - they're bigger.) I'm flexible on the soup. Anything but Chicken Soup.
Any ideas, anyone?
Mogo would definitely prefer onion to split pea. I think Becki also. The rest of us do both. And I could actually see putting kreplach in the onion soup.
For mishloach manos you're probably good with either.
Wasn't talking about the Seuda. I think I am going with Onion for that - didn't want to do chicken, but I figured your crew would be okay with Onion Soup.
As for Mishloach Manos, I could send a container of soup and....what????
Chocolate chip cookies? Rice Krispie squares? Swiss chocolate?
Aunt A: We're talking about what goes well with soup, not what you want to nosh on while you drive to Queens. I'm sure my kids would be happy to provide you with food for the road.
What do you guys think of nuts, and then we have from soup to nuts? (That idea courtesy of child #2.)
It's not as much fun if we don't pilfer it from your bags. Evern wonder why the Joeys give you funny looks after Purim?
Do you mean to tell me that she dosen't really send just two foods?
Two? They leave you two? Um, I mean yeah, she sends two, that's right, to be yotzei the mitzva.
All I need to do is pack my Mishloach Manos in Moldy cups and then, poof! No more pilfering!
...or just send soup.
Thanks, Aunt A. Think I will!
...which makes the title of this entry even more accurate.
Aunt A: Bad news. I'm sending Big Joey Powerade Zero and Rice Cakes.
Maybe pack snacks this time.
I'll bet he'll be so excited to get them!
Mushroom barley?
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