Monday, February 23, 2009

Time to Rant...

Come on, you guys would really rather hear me kvetch than just read/watch cute stuff I find on the web? I find that hard to believe.

But it one fuzzy brother of mine wants to hear me complain, you all have to suffer.

Here you go: Purim is coming. Don't get me wrong. I'm really happy about that. But I am so tired of buying candy and cookies that nobody wants to eat. (And yes, Aunt A, I'll save you the comment - there is always Tomchei Shabbos cards.)

So here are my themes for this year:

Kids: Buy soda, use up whatever candy we have in the house. No, not last years candy. Ok, maybe just a little of it.

Everyone Else: Here's my idea. I want to make something that people will actually want to eat. Last year it was cholent. This year, I'm looking for something easy, non perishable and not going to spill if I send it to Queens. Oh yeah, and cheap, too.

Anyone have any ideas?


aliza said...

chocolate cake. but that's what we make so make sure not to send it to anyone we send it to. cuz as good a cook as I'm sure you are, my mom's better.

or you could give dirt. it tastes good too :)

Anonymous said...

First of all, good call about Aunt A!

Anyway, you can give the kids whatever you want - they really won't remember which of their friends gave them what.

And yes, we'd ALL rather hear you rant!!! We've been suffering b/c of the fuzzy one for years anyway.

Anonymous said...

Chocolate chip cookies. Then, when they don't make it to Queens, it won't be because they were perishable. Remember, kids, no crumbs, and leave one or two in the bag so the Joeys think she sent something! Better yet, we'll bring extra Tomchei cards with your name on them.

Anonymous said...

I'm with Aunt A. on the cookies, but since hopefully either we're going to you or you're going to us, I certainly hope they make it to Queens.

Who Me? said...

Aliza: Welcome back! My next post was going to be entitled "Has Anyone Seen Aliza??"

Gonna pass on the dirt. And I'll leave your mom the chocolate cake and oj.

y2k: Kids are easy. I could just follow Aliza's suggestion and give them dirt. Except the teenage girls. They eat grass and leaves. Oops, I mean salad.

Cookies are a little more work than I had in mind. Though everyone loves homemade cookies. Gotta hit the cookbooks today and find something easy, inspiring, yummy and a cinch to make. Yeah, right!

Anonymous said...

Rice Krispie squares! Of course, I have a vested interest. Hey, Joeys, all she sent were these Holloween Hershey's Kisses. Sorry! (Wipe that fluff off your faces, kids!)

Anonymous said...

By the way Aunt Rant, see how many more comments there are now that you're living up to you're name?

Anonymous said...

Obviously I was right and eveyone has much more fun this way. As to this post I have a one word suggestion RECYCLE

Then you don't have to figure out what to do with it all anyway.

You will have to make a few to prime the pump, but last years leftovers will do just fine!

Who Me? said...

Aunt A: Believe it or not, I have never mastered Rice Krispies Squares. Or coffee, as you well know. I am seriously contemplating soup! So much fun to take to Queens. Oh wait, I'm not driving - you are!

y2k: Yeah, I noticed the comments. That's just because we're all so desperate to stick in our two cents since I haven't done this in ages!

MOGO: Ok, that's just gross!!

DG: You reading this? You see how crazy my family is?????

Anonymous said...

Try doing what my wife did a couple of years ago. She made lunch platters. We bought plastic sectional plates (like the kind found in school lunchrooms), ordered a bunch of fresh rolls that will fit in the large compartment, made tuna sandwiches, added a apple, a piece of cake, and a juice box, and wrapped it in plastic. It gave the hardworking moms something to munch on and satisfied our halachic requirements. Took a bit of work, but it was practical and not very expensive.

Anonymous said...

Mogo: she already does recycle. Did you think those were this year's Hershey's kisses?

Tom: Yum! Need me to take those platters to Queens for you along with the Rice Krispie squares?

Aunt: Get a box, read the recipe. Soup might spill in my pristine van, and who wants to pilfer soup?

DG: And she thinks WE'RE crazy?

Anonymous said...

... and no, Mogo, "pristine" is not a synonym for "ancient".

raizy said...

wait we might go to monsey? thats not fair why when i'm in israel do we do all these things??????????


Aunt A: cookies are diffently the best because everyone loves homemaid cookies and they dont make a mess like soup does.

But no matter what don't forget to freeze any homebaked goods for anyone here in israel! Especially a chocolate chip hamentash!

Who Me? said...

MOGO: Shockingly enough, chocolate does spoil. Ask my children who were all smart enough to taste a Kit Kat that had gone bad. (No, y2k, it was NOT hanging out at 7-11's.)

Raizy: We will miss you! But you're going to be in the city that never stops partying!!

Aunt A: Lots of people just throw out the cake and cookies they get on Purim. Hmmm...we should find out who those people are and show up at their house after Purim with a big box...

Cookies are a pain! Too much work. Maybe challah and something. But what?

Currently the plan is soup and croutons...

Anonymous said...

You know what they say about a family who acts as crazily as this? They love each other (Hallmark Moment). Actually they don't say that, I made it up! =D

Anonymous said...

Challah is LESS work than cookies? That makes NO sense! But it works, if it makes it to Queens.

Anonymous said...

I thought I posted yesterday, but it dosen't seem to be here.

Just wait till you see what your M'shloach Manos comes in this year. We're recycling like we have never done so before!


Who Me? said...

DG: No, a family who is this crazy shouldn't be allowed to reproduce. Too late! We have a whole new generation of looney tunes following in our footsteps.

Speaking of which, Pinki, where are you?

MOGO: What could you possibly be recycling that would be that horrible?

Raizy: Come home and save us from your father!

Reva: Challah is easier than cookies because it's one challah per person as opposed to a whole bunch of cookies. And any chance you can save us from your husband's dreaded moldy oldies?

Anonymous said...

I don't think anyone can save us unless it's Becki, but it's not what you're thinking. You might even think it's funny. If I say any more I might not make it until Purim so no more questions to me folks!

Anonymous said...

Challah? Better wash before you get in the van, kids.

When you said, one per person, you meant one for each member of each family, right? Hmm... a bunch for KGH Joey, and 6 for Hillcrest Joey (kids get too, right?) and don't forget Riley...

OK, kids, way more than a kezayis for each of us! Don't forget to bring benchers!

Who Me? said...

I suspect I know what Mogo has in mind...should be interesting...

I'll let you know after Purim if I was right or wrong.


Aunt A: You NEVER let your kids eat in the car!! But if you do, try Mentos. Two to a customer - ask my kids - they're a great car snack!

Anonymous said...

How do you know? Do the Joeys ever tell you what they actually get when we deliver your mishloach manos?

Who Me? said...

Good point...hmmm..maybe I'll send fleishic cookies this year...

Anonymous said...


raizy said...

i would love to come home and save you from my father but i'm afraid that i'm not coming home till 2 weeks later sorry :( and chocolate deffinately does spoil i have had bad chocolate before. how in the world would you make fleshig cookies i've heard of fleshig celim before but fleshing cookies?

Who Me? said...

Easy...put meat or shmaltz in your cookies! Bet they used to do it back home (this is your home...)

Anonymous said...

(Retching noise)

Shir Chadash said...

Hmm...beef-flavored cookies...or cream-cheese frosting on fresh, warm cinnamon buns?

Anonymous said...

Shir: No contest. And if you ask nicely, maybe some cute guy will bring you some from the Pear!

Who Me? said...

Cinnamon buns!!!

Hey guys, 29 comments! (Actually 30 with this one...that's a record!)

Anonymous said...

Here's another; you could avoid your dilemma by buying cookies and candies that people do want to eat!

Anonymous said...

See? Fuzzy told you you get more comments when you kvetch!