With Purim right around the corner, we're all thinking about Purim costumes. Except y3k (not y2k!) who is dull, a spoilsport and doesn't believe in dressing up for Purim.
So, here's a point to ponder. At what point in time are you too old to dress up for Purim? What costumes are NOT appropriate for Purim? (Remember guys, this is a G rated blog. Don't make me delete your comments!!)
So, here's a point to ponder. At what point in time are you too old to dress up for Purim? What costumes are NOT appropriate for Purim? (Remember guys, this is a G rated blog. Don't make me delete your comments!!)
You answered your own questions. If the description warrants deletion the costume is probably a bit over the top.
Dani is dressing like an African prince. He found a real African gown in a local thrift shop for a few $$, he's got an African "lookin" Sephardi kippa, and a bbq sauce mop to use as a scepter/fly repellent.
Should be fun
But what are you dressing as??????
Sorry Mr. Tom (I'm assuming) - just cuz it cant be posted on the blog doesn't mean that it shouldn't be worn. In my opinion, anything that accentuates things that shouldn't be accentuated is out, plus anything in REALLY poor taste (and I mean offensive to people, not necessarily inappropriate). Also, certain things should be avoided - I've got no problem if someone wants to dress up as Santa Claus, but to be some shiksa actress would probably be off limits.
On a totally different topic, I find it hard to read "y3k" and "dull" in the same sentence - that feels so, like, wierd.
To me, Purim is about dressing up in funny clothes. It doesn't have to be a costume per say. That's already making it into halloween a little. Grab some clothes you would normally never wear and throw them on! For example, if you're a yeshiva bachur who is the typical white shirt, black pants, try wearing a bright pink shirt with some tan pants. Something that looks funny on you! (not that looks funny on all; there's nothing wrong with wearing pink shirts with tan pants! right?) That's my piece and I'm sticking to it.
Y2K: In this context, my baseline for determining acceptability is based on your aunts standards of decency.
I live in a more PG-13 world. (Well, R-rated - it IS south Florida)
Sandy: I go as myself. That's scary enough these days.
Rant: You are never too old. Have you met our fathers?
Y2K: Don't argue with Tom. He is bigger than you are. Only I can argue with him, and win. Once, at least.
PinnyK: So I guess by DG's logic you would wear black pants and a white shirt. Or at least, pants.
Tom: Aunt Rant's standards of decency? Have you met Uncle Rant?
Oops; one father. This isn't a ... (those of you who know the story can finish the sentence.)
i am like so not dull. only unclassy and nerdy ppl dress up. obviously, no 1 here went 2 BYM, or more acurately read the kitzur where it says that 1 should wear nice clothing on purim. wow, i'm sounding soooooooooo yeshivishe. RP would like ttly approve. and whats wrong w/ wearing tan pants and a pink shirt? don't get me started.... :)
You can always borrow your granpa's dress.
Ironic that the one post deleted so far was mine!
PinnyK: For heaven's sake put on pants!! Last year was bad enough!! (Yeah, I know that was someone else, not you.)
Aunt Rant, be careful what you wish for...technically PinnyK IS wearing pants this year, but...well, you'll have to see (but you probably don't want to...)
y3k, I'm sure RP will be so pleased to be mentioned on this blog.
DG is right, whoever he or she is.
Aunt A, it took a second, but I remember the story!!!!! "Hi this is Noam Peikes, is Mrs. Kahana available?"
why are people talking about my costume? not cool at all. on a scale of one to ten, that would fall under lame. thanx
Your costume isn't lame, dear.
Anyone else wonder why Aunt Rant had to censor herself?
all i can say is i want pictures of everyone! but no i'm not dressing up sorry guys :(
p.s. sorry if this posted twice it didnt seem to work the first time on my end
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