Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Hamantaschen From Outer Space!!

Are these ugly or what? No, I didn't burn them. They are chocolate hamantaschen with marshmallow filling. The white ones on the left have fluff for filling. But it kept sticking to the spoon, so I tried using actual marshmallows - those are the ones with the ugly brown filling on the left. Guess we'll just have to eat the ugly ones!

But I got to thinking - let's hear some creative hamantasch ideas - marshmallow fluff is getting too hard to work with. I know what Uncle Rant would come up with - fleishic hamantaschen!


Anonymous said...

What chocolate chips would probably go really well with chocolate dough - you can NEVER have too much chocolate!

Anonymous said...

I meant WHITE chocolate chips. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

And silly me, I just thought you were rerunning that "Obama cookies" post...

Anonymous said...

u r such a racist... but as long as u don't start discriminating against brown horses, were cool.

Anonymous said...

really much better than they look...

Anonymous said...

Y3K, I have a response which I will forget before Shabbos, but I am still not going to say it now.

Anonymous said...

Y3K: they would have to be.

Chocolate and fluff; how can you go wrong>

raizy said...

thoses sound intersting wish i could taste some

Shir Chadash said...

I've done chocolate hamentashen with raspberry filling, or vanilla with chocolate spread (oops, better pick some up this week!), or citrus with apricot. I've also done vanilla with chocolate/raspberry or chocolate/strawberry, chocolate/peanut butter, or chocolate/caramel.

Oh, and does anyone object to banana-chocolate-chip muffins?

Anonymous said...

Hmm, banana chocolate chip muffins from my almost daughter in law, or soup from my sister... I know whose Mishloach manos I am eating!

Anonymous said...

Shir Chadash - you know what I think of banana anything in baked goods - since you asked!

Who Me? said...

Fluff was too hard to work with. Kept sticking to the spoon, even though I kept pamming it.

I'm looking for something really yummy and decadent. I've tried chocolate spread, peanut butter...sorry, but chocolate chips of any color don't do it for me.

Maybe I need more intereting flavoring in the dough, not just the filling...

Anonymous said...

Or maybe you should forget about the Hamentaschen, and stick (no pun intended) to licking the fluff, chocolate spread, and peanut butter off the spoon.

Who Me? said...

No! We like hamantaschen!

Anonymous said...

OK, maybe I should just lick the fillings off your spoons. Send 'em over! And while you're at it, get me some of that filling they use for jelly donuts.