Sunday, March 22, 2009

Child/Spousal Abuse

Yes, I've finally done it. Something worse than not using my oven for three weeks because I don't want to have to kasher it.

I didn't serve anything fleishics Friday night. Onion soup. Poached salmon. Yum!

Who's ready to call the authorities on me?


Anonymous said...

I know one sister who WON'T be calling the authorities on you.

Anonymous said...

We had split pea soup, fleish tacos (sans cheese -
"parve" cheese is nasty), chicken wings, and potato kugel.

Going for seriously non-traditional.

Anonymous said...

Sure I will - for sister abuse! Where was my invite? Don't forget, I have known you longer than any of them have. And here I was just going to invite you for a meal on Shabbos..

Anonymous said...

Mr. Tom -

I don't think you're the person in Florida who serves the um, well, "wierdest" meals.

Anonymous said...

We don't do "weird".

We do different.

If ya' want weird I've some relatives homes to send you to. :)

pinnyk said...

why wasnt i invited?!?!

Anonymous said...

u werent home

Who Me? said...

Hey, in Florida, they serve alligator. Salmon is much better.

I think. Unless anyone out there knows different?

Anonymous said...

Kosher alligator?? I'm just glad that you didn't invite me!

Who Me? said...

Kosher alligator? Never said Kosher.

Remember those ices I served you once for Shalosh Seudos? They didn't say Kosher, either!

Anonymous said...

Hey, you too? Remember the time I served him ice cream for dessert one Shabbos and he said it didn't taste Parve? And it wasn't?

(Who's coming to me for shabbos now?)

Anonymous said...

If you would like to attempt a kosher scheita on a 'gator, feel free. I'll be standing waaaay back with the EMS crew.

Note: out in the boonies they also eat snakes, lizards, and possums.

Anonymous said...

Tom: We don't use the "s' word on blogs that I read, remember?

Who Me? said...

In a contest between MOGO and an alligator, I'm not sure who I'd put my money on.

Actually, it's an interesting thought. Any opinions?

Anonymous said...

MOGO is meaner, but the alligator has bigger teeth.

Anonymous said...

You can come down here and have a go at it to see who wins. I'll bring the popcorn.

You can start with one of small ones that lives in swamps in the local park. They're only around 6' long.

Anonymous said...

Hey, popcorn! Have fun, bro, we'll save you some. Or the alligator, depending on who wins.

Who Me? said...

There are alligators in your local parks???

That is just sick!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

It's the only park without a resident bum population. Sleeping next to the larger bodies of water is NOT recommended.

People feed the gators. I've seen seriously stupid parents let their little kids come within a couple of feed of a 4-5' gator to feed it.

You would love this place. The brown spiders build enormous webs in the trees over the hiking paths in the woods. Hundreds of them. The spiders are bigger than my hand. Big meaty guys. Harmless as long as you don't bother them. Took my sister on a walk once when she visited. Forgot to mention the spiders. When she saw my kids gathering branches to brush away the low hanging webs she asks why? They just pointed straight up.

Boy, can my sister scream.

Who Me? said...

And you live there why???

Anonymous said...

Wife likes it. Need I say more?

I hate: the lack of job opportunities, lack of educational opportunities (me and my kids), lack of culture (unless you like latin music and clubing with euro-trash and crack head models), climate (I HATE the #$%^& hot weather!!!), almost non-existant public transportation, corrupt government (I should know - I work for them), etc.

But I'm not bitter or anythin...

Anonymous said...

Tom: That's pretty funny, sorry we missed it. Oh, wait, we didn't missi it; we were wondering what that scream was. And thanks for not mentioning the s-----s.

Who Me? said...

Hey, Tom. Sounds like you're almost mad enough to go at it with the gator. And win.

Odds on Tom, anyone?

And who's selling snacks?