Tuesday, March 24, 2009

tHat's Entertainment!

So, by a show of hands. Who thinks I should go along when the boys go hat shopping?

Am I better off crying in the store? Or crying at home while they're out shopping and then crying again when they come home? And anyone who's going to suggest I not cry at all doesn't know me at all!

And isn't there some law that if you have such cute, round cheeks, you're too little to wear a hat?


Anonymous said...

Go with them and follow in your mothers footsteps granny

Anonymous said...

If you want any say on the size of the brim or the style of the hat, you have to go. Otherwise you're stuck with whatever they pick.

Bring a camera and lots of tissues!

Anonymous said...

If your kids had to wait until they no longer had cute round cheeks, they'd be ...hmm, I guess he'd never get to wear a hat.

Yeah, go. It's fun! Think "Flying Nun". As long as you let him get what HE wants.

And no, Uncle Rant. No "soft black".

Anonymous said...

PS: No camera! What if one of his friends sees you? He'd never live it down.

Who Me? said...

Uncle Rant already asked if one of the hats should be straw.

He was joking, I think.

Ok, maybe I do need to go...

Anonymous said...

Aunt A: You can bring a camera... your phone. No one will realize! Though, if my parents ever photoed me in a store while shopping... =D

Anonymous said...

DG: Exactly my point. I have to look out for my nephew's reputation.

Who Me? said...

Your nephew with four sisters and a deranged mother?

It's too late for that!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

needs all the help he can get.

pinnyk said...

i love the teffilin bag tho :)

Who Me? said...

Thanx, Pin! I will tell him.

Who knew Tefillin bags cost so much??

raizy said...

it is nice espeacially the fact that the ami part is a different color

Who Me? said...

That was Uncle Rant's idea.

MOGO said...

So after all of this commenting back and forth ... How much did you cry?