Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Lessons Learned: Purim 2014

1) Tea lights make lovely table decorations, as do mini marshmallows. Put them together and you have a really fun activity for the sober people at the table who try their luck at toasting marshmallows on plastic forks.
2) Tea lights are a bad decor option anywhere near those who are drinking out of wine bottles instead of wine glasses.  Especially when there are loose napkins on the table.
3) When planning your menu, come up with foods that can serve more than one purpose.  Table decorations can be edible (see number 1.)  And onion soup can come in handy when you need to douse flaming napkins (see number 2.)
4) It might not be a good idea to send a really drunk guy to pick out a hostess gift, although to be perfectly honest, I thought the light blue wicker bassinet filled with chocolate and topped with a large, fluffy teddy bear was absolutely adorable.
5) Tighty whiteys, when worn over your suit pants and with your suit jacket, are apparently suitable attire for the Purim seuda, as long as you don’t mind being forever known as “Underwear Boy.”
6) Having a garbage can in the room makes it easier to clear off used paper plates.  Placing it, uncovered, near the highly inebriated guests was a stroke of brilliance.  Not only don’t they care that they are sitting next to the garbage, but it came in handy when one of those present decided to upchuck. Repeatedly.       
7) If you will be hosting a bunch of people who will be imbibing copious quantities of liquor, invite that friend or relative who always runs to take care of, and clean up after, the guy who is tossing his cookies.  He will be worth his weight in gold.
8) If someone does throw up on your driveway, pouring water over the pool of vomit on the asphalt does nothing to clean it up.  It just gives you a larger, wetter, pool of vomit on the asphalt.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Succos 2010: Treasure Hunt At Walmart!

After being inundated every summer by tons of kids in camp, Chasidim and frum people from every walk of life, I would guess that there isn’t much that would faze anyone at the Monticello Walmart. Which made it the perfect place to host a treasure hunt for Grandma and Zaidy. The prize? Seven bizarrely attired grandchildren!!

Getting them there wasn’t easy. While they were happy to have me bring the kids up for a few hours, convincing them to come to Walmart wasn’t something I was looking forward to. I contemplated a few possibilities: having Sari ask them, telling them my car broke down at Walmart, but in the end, I went with the straightforward approach.

The call went something like this.

Me: Hi Mom! How much do you love your grandchildren?
Grandma: A lot.
Me: Do you really, really, love them a lot?
Grandma: (Suspicously) Yes.
Me: And do you trust me to never steer you wrong?
Grandma: What’s the matter?
Me: Nothing. But the kids would like you to come to Walmart at 3:45. They have something very special planned.
Grandma: Uh oh. Should I bring my camera?
Me: Not necessary. I’ll meet you at the front entrance at 3:45.
Grandma: What if we don’t find you?
Me: Don’t worry, you won’t be able to miss me.
Grandma: Uh oh. Should we come in costume?

We get to Walmart at 3:15. The Kahanas, Mordechai, Bryna and Yitchak get there at 3:30 sharp. We run inside in the rain, looking like a bunch of crazies. Me, all in black, with red suspenders, red shoes, a clown tie and a headband decorated with a gigantic gold glittery hat.
Aliza dressed up like a farmer in a denim jumper, plaid shirt, red bandana, sunglasses, white socks and royal blue short rubber boots. Chumi in a red: jumper, shirt, socks, shoes and sequined hat, in addition to red lipstick and several red necklaces. Ami in a leather jacket and a green furry Kermit hat. Sari in black t-shirt, skirt with leggings, cap to hide her curls, big earrings and arm full of Silly Bands and sunglasses. We are also carrying a stroller and a doll for Bryna.

The Kahanas look bizarrely normal. Mordy is in regular clothing. Bryna is wearing a black skirt, a nice tan jacket and heels. She is also carrying a straight brown sheitel and a big pocketbook. Yitz is in costume – four t shirts to make himself look fat, which not surprisingly doesn’t work. He looks like Yitz, just in glasses.

While Mordechai goes to change into his costume, we get to work. We put on Bryna’s sheitel, this time making sure that the bangs go in front, not on the side. I grab a shopping cart and throw in a bunch of bath mats. Then Chumi climbs into the shopping cart. A few bath mats under her, a bunch on top. I hand her off to Aliza and go to drop Sari off in the toy department.

I head to the front of the store to wait for the guests of honor. I go looking for Mordechai who has stationed himself up front, with a guitar. He looks so authentic I almost walk right past him.

Mordechai is sitting on a bench, wearing a light brown sheitel, a backwards Kermit cap on his head, sunglasses, a grey sweatshirt, with a green towel draped around his neck, a white t shirt, a Snoopy tie and rust pajama bottoms with bulldogs on them. He is holding a guitar, has a pick in his mouth and a guitar case behind him. He has elected not to leave the open case on the floor in front of him, so that he doesn’t get arrested for panhandling.

He looks unbelievably amazing and there is no doubt that Grandma and Zaidy will walk right past him.

And then I see Grandma and Zaidy on their way into the store. I meet then in the front entrance about ten feet away from Mordechai, who is studying his guitar very intently. Not surprisingly they don’t notice Mordechai. They are too busy admiring my clown tie as I explain to them that there are seven grandchildren in assorted costumes wandering through the store and it is up to them to find them all.

Thankfully, neither Grandma nor Zaidy rolls their eyes and tells me I am insane. Instead they walk past Mordechai and go into Walmart, eager to find their nachas.

Ten minutes later, the only nachas they have found is me and I tell them that they passed the first grandkid quite a while ago. Grandma who has the cell phone wanders off on her ow and I hang out with Zaidy as we roam the aisles. We pass electronics and I look for Ami who must be watching some kind of sporting event, but I don’t see any bright green frog fur anywhere. As we turn the corner, Zaidy spots a glimpse of Yitzchak from the back and calls his name. How he recognizes Yitz from the back I have no clue, but it is Zaidy’s first find. I turn around and I catch a glimpse of Ami ducking down behind some furniture as he follows us.

A minute or two later we spy Sari rounding a corner in the toy department. Even with her curls hidden, there is no hiding that face and Zaidy grabs her. I catch a glimpse of Bryna pushing her stroller just a minute later as does Sari who starts to giggle. Zaidy knows that something is up, but can’t seem to find anyone.

The hunt continues. Ami turns up, but wanders off again to hide from Grandma who is nowhere to be found. Meanwhile, we keep walking. Bryna wanders Walmart with a plastic doll in her stroller hoping no one thinks she is psychotic. The people who witness Aliza seemingly having a conversation with a shopping cart full of bathmats must think she is beyond deranged.

People we meet in our travels around Walmart? The chassidishe lady who waves at me while I am taking video. The Walmart employee who tells me videotaping in Walmart is against store policy. The chassidishe guy who points at Ami and says to his companion “er is a goy!” as if Ami is a museum exhibit. The person behind Bryna who whispers to her friend “See? There is another one, but they haven’t found her yet!” The people who notice Aliza who no longer has her shopping cart and ask her where her baby disappeared to. Meanwhile, Chumi who is buried under four bathmats calls me and says “Ma, I think I am gonna throw up!”

Mordechai, who has to go back to Monsey comes up to Zaidy and says “Excuse me, do you have the number for the yellow cab company?” As Zaidy grabs Mordechai and hugs him, some chasidishe boy nearby grabs his little sister, either so she shouldn’t be scared of Mordechai or because he is concerned that if Zaidy is hugging random strangers, she might be next.

Still missing: Aliza, Chumi and Bryna. Grandma and Zaidy keep wandering, but the girls seemed to have vanished. I text Aliza to find out where she is but she decides to keep her location a secret.

Ami wanders up to Zaidy and me with a shopping cart laden with bathmats. Only one of us knows that there is something in that cart besides bathmats.

I show Zaidy one of the bathmats, asking him if he thinks it will match our new bathroom. Zaidy likes it but is concerned that it might be too large. As he picks it up to see how big the mat actually is he notices a pair of red shoes in the shopping cart. Attached to the shoes are a pair of red legs. Zaidy is so astonished to find Chumi in the cart he is absolutely speechless. Chumi is so happy to finally get some fresh air!

More wandering through Walmart. Zaidy finally finds Aliza wandering through the clothing department. He sends the rest of the night marveling at how appropriate Aliza looks dressed as a farm girl in Sullivan county and how beautiful she looks in a red bandana. Will be sure to make her wear one every day from now on!

It is just Bryna left now. I have rachmanos on everyone when I see Bryna clear across the store heading in the opposite direction and tell them to turn around. Meanwhile, Grandma is busy stalking some poor girl in a grey sweater, who she is sure is Bryna. Between her, the oddly dressed girl in the book section and all the chassidishe women she keeps looking at but disqualifying because they are a) accompanied by Chassidishe guys and b) talking to the chassidishe guys, I am sure store security is going to cart her away.

As we wander the aisles, Bryna turns the corner, head down and scurries away. For a second Grandma wonders aloud if that is Bryna, but Zaidy insists it isn’t. We might still be in Walmart if not for the fact that we all burst out laughing. Zaidy literally starts running down the aisles looking for Bryna until he finally, finally rounds up the last missing grandchild.

Mission accomplished. All seven grandchildren located in just under one hour!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

For Those of You With Less of a Life Than Me!

Impossible Quiz

Personally, I just found it annoying. But that was just me!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Which One is Worse??

Scheduling your son's high school faher during the Super Bowl? Or sending him snack for school that he is allergic to?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

You Can't Make This Stuff Up

Tefillin vs. Car.

Guess who wins?

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

One Can Left

No clue when it will be back on the shelves. Don't tell me I have to start making lunch again!!! That was the beauty of Slim Fast. Never have to think about what to prepare, no clean up, and I lunch is finished in fifteen seconds!

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Latkes Anybody?

What's Chanukah without latkes? If your last name is the same as mine, it is certainly unthinkable. So when the lid from my trusty food processor broke, which made my food processor unusable, I knew it was time to go shopping and get a new one. Definitely before Chanukah.

I spent two weeks researching food processors. Need one that is big enough, but didn't want to spend mega-bucks on one. We looked high and low and eventually came up with the perfect machine. Which we went out and bought.

Twelve hours later I remembered that Uncle Rant had a perfectly usable food processor sitting with his stuff in the basement.

Why couldn't I have remembered that two weeks ago before I spent all that time looking for a replacement?

Friday, December 11, 2009

Any suggestions?

Ever year we get another box of these in the mail. I go through about three a year for the thingy I use to light Shabbos candles, but that still leaves me with about six whole boxes full. What on earth do I do with them?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Vodka Donuts!

From matzav.com

Alcohol importers in Israel have decided to market their vodka in an original way: By hiring a pastry chef who is also a bartender to create vodka-soaked donuts ahead of the Yom Tov of Chanukah.

”Adults await sufganiyot no less than children do,” a source from the company that imports “Hortiza,” the vodka to be infused into the donuts, said.

”Therefore,” he added, “we have decided to launch a line of donuts suitable for adults and party-goers.”

A 100 gram donut, sold at the price of NIS 4.5 - about $1.18 - contains 90 milliliters of vodka diluted with jam.

The vodka contains 35% alcohol, and the alcohol content of each donut is equal to that of a bottle of beer.

In other words, anyone eating more than one vodka donut had better hand over his or her car keys to a friend.

In order to meet the requirements of the law, the vodka donut will only be sold to adults presenting the appropriate ID.

The vodka donut trend seems to be spreading this year, and has also reached many bakeries in lower concentrations.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009


For all those of you who are interested, you can order whole pigs at Shop Rite for the holiday.

Just in case you wanted to know.

And there are way too many real pictures of actual roast pigs on google images!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Sooooo sweet! And such beautiful smiles!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

62 Uses for Leftover Turkey

1. Throw it out! (Am pre-empting Aunt A on that one.)
2. Threaten your kids with it. "Whoever doesn't behave has to eat 6 week old turkey bits that are still sitting in my fridge..."

Ok, you guys, let's see if we can hit 62.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Discuss Amongst Yourselves...

Since all you guys wanted a chance to rant again, let's just pick a topic and everyone can voice their opinions.


Ok, guys, let's hear what you have to say about bananas.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Fashion Statement

Can someone please explain open toed boots to me?

Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Can't Help Myself...

Gotta love this one...

Some people are like Slinkies. They are really good for nothing ............. but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs!

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Cute website: make an anagram out of your name. Check it out! I had tons of fun playing with it!


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Free Samples!!

Ok, guys, guess what?

Today I am actually earning some money. That's right, just by putting this up, I am gonna earn a few (very few) bucks.

I signed up to get emails from a site that has free stuff called shopforfreebies.com. You know me. I love free stuff. And I've gotten some fun free samples from these guys. Hey, it's free. How could you go wrong? Besides, you get to try out lots of nice shampoo, among other things. There is usually something new going up on the list every day and I don't have to remember to check out the site. They send me emails with a link to the free stuff du jour.

In an effort to get more people to come to their site, they are offering cash to bloggers who put up a post with a link to their site. All I have to do is tell you about it. Even if you don't visit the site, I still get paid. But go visit anyway. Free stuff is free stuff!!

So, boys and girls, here you go. Free stuff for everyone. Woo hoo!!

Click here for free samples Check it out!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Nine days left till school starts.

Nine days left till school starts.

Nine days left till school starts.

Ok, sorry, had to get that out of my system.

So, to make school start earlier, I want to start doing practical, school related things. And right now,I'm thinking about lunches. Rantlet #2 gets peanut butter. Every day. Rantlet #3 gets chumus every day. #4 gets cream cheese or american cheese. #5? Who remembers?

I'm thinking we need more creative lunches. Anyone got any ideas? And fyi: hate making tuna. Don't know why. And they don't really love it, either.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Mazel Tov!!

No, no, no...nothing like that.

100th post, woo hoo!!!!

Given that my brain has completely turned to applesauce, anyone out there got suggestions for a post?

Counting the minutes till school starts...I knowI'm such a bad mother...just can't help it anymore!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Welcome to the 21st Century!

Learned how to use iTunes this week! Aren't you all impressed?

Now how do I get album art on there without opening an account in the iTunes store?

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Sorry, I Know I've Been Negligent!

Meanwhile, hope you guys have been checking back at holyshidduch. Apparently people just keep having bad dates, because there are more and more entries!

Ok, so here's the thing. Camp ends this week. And school starts in 3 1/2 weeks. And Uncle Rant is gonna be out of town for a week and a half.


Anyone have any ideas how to keep the Rantlets entertained?

Prefereably ideas that don't involve duct tape?

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Holy Shidduch!

Gotta check out this website: holyshidduch.com. People post their dating stories. Some of my favorites:

I once picked up a girl for a first date and went to the airport since it's a nice public place. After talking for about twenty minutes she got up and said needed to go. I stood up and started walking towards my car, she turned and started walking to the gate. When I glanced at her questioningly she said, "My friend told me you brought her here on a date last week. I just needed a lift, so I told the Shadchan yes."

I was at a restaurant on a shidduch with this guy. I went up to use the restroom and when I returned half of my pasta dish was missing. The guy said that is how much was there when I got up, while a string of my angel hair pasta hung from his beard.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

What's In The Elephant's Trunk?

(Ok, only three of us will even get that title.)

Found this in a cookbook in a section entitled "This and That".

Elephant Stew

1 elephant
brown gravy
salt and pepper to taste
2 rabbits

Cut elephant into bite sized pieces. This will take about 4 months. Cook over kerosene at 525 degrees until tender (about 5 months). Add salt and pepper and cover with brown gravy. This will serve 3,800 people. If more are expected, add 2 rabbits. Do this if only absolutely necessary as most people do not like to find hare in their stew.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Pop Quiz

You come into the bathroom and you notice there's a bug on your toothbrush.

What do you do?

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Packing Time!

All these years girls have been looking for boys who learn x number of years. A boy with a good job.

But here's the truth. You want to marry a guy with a short last name. So when it comes time to label stuff for camp, you won't wonder why you married a guy with a crazy long name!