Thursday, January 15, 2009

Random Thoughts

My glasses are missing and I can't find them. If I put on my glasses, I'll be able to see more clearly and hopefully find them. But I can't do that because my glasses are missing.

It is sooo cold outside! Is anyone else tired of winter?

Chicken feet sighting today, and it wasn't on a chicken. Freezer case, in local kosher supermarket. Nasty!

Does anyone else hear cookies calling to them from the freezer? I hear little voices, saying "come and get us! We're in the freezer and we want you to eat us!"


Anonymous said...

Random responses:
1. Too bad you did not lose your glasses before you went to the supermarket.
2. Are you sure the voices calling to you are not the chicken feet?
3. If you hear voices, I am not letting my kids come over anymore.

pinnyk said...

what a paradox....old enough to hear voices and lose things yet still writing a blog?

Anonymous said...

"come and get us! We're in the freezer and we want you to eat us!"

Anonymous said...

"We're in the freezer! You can't come and get us!" At least not until Tu B'shvat.

In other news, it's so cold even your chickens are getting cold feet.

And I guess I can write whatever I want, and without your glasses you can't delete it.

And don't delete this just to show that you can.

Who Me? said...

I hear voices...


Oh wait, those are my kids.

Ok, Nasty Chicken Feet, whoever you are, aside from being sick and twisted, you need to learn how to spell your name!!

And sorry,guys, found the glasses.

Which means I can see, delete posts, and defrost my nephews from the freezer!!

Anonymous said...

"come and get us! We're in the freezer and we want you to eat us!"

Anonymous said...

You think it's easy typing with little claws?

Anonymous said...

You have no nephews in the freezer, unless there is something I don't know about Pinny F.

Anonymous said...

Get them all out of the freezer and out of the house (the sooner the better) besides, it's after January! (and what happens on Tu'Bshvat? Do I need to keep the date clear?)

Most people in our family who hear voices (or see people) aren't hearing cookies (or chicken feet) in the freezer.

And on the practical side, how do chicken feet talk? They have no mouths!

Anonymous said...

Uncle Joey, that was funny.

Woah. I felt wierd saying that. (Just for the record, my fingers said that. Without mouths.) (But that's not the funny thing that I'm referring to.)

Who Me? said...

Ok, MOGO, what voices do they hear? And as for what happens on Tu B'Shvat, old people eat boxer. (No, guys that was boxer, singular, not plural. No eating anyone's undies.)

Young people eat that traditional Tu B'Shvat food, given out in schools everywhere - Laffy Taffy.

Anonymous said...

You'ld get a better answer about what they hear from big Joey. Unfortuantly, they don't share advice with me.

Somehow I don't think Y2K was talking about boxer (now if he had said Tu B'Av I might have understood).

And Y2K, I never said chicken feet couldn't type, just not talk!

starfleetzz said...

It's six o'clock and time to eat
and we just want some feet.
chicken is the food we crave
otherwise we wont behave
chicken for lunch and supper too
without it what would we do?
chichen, chicken we love you.

Anonymous said...

zev- i didn't know u were a poet. GTN, GTN!

Anonymous said...

Hee hee, Y3K - if only you knew who originally wrote that...

Believe me, it would be waaaaay TMI TMI (OMGosh!!!)

Who Me? said...

Come on, Zev, no fettucine alfredo? Beats chicken feet any day! And I don't even like fettucine alfredo!

Anonymous said...

I don't like fettucini alfredo either (though it was the name of a league team in Camp Fungus this year), but at least it doesn't offend the religious sensitivites of us FleishiPhobes.