Thursday, January 22, 2009

You Just Can't Make This Stuff Up

From tonight's 10 o'clock news:

A bakery in the village is selling cookies they call "drunken negro cookies". They're big chocolate cookies, with exaggerated features, maraschino cherry bits for eyes and a dopey look on their faces. This week during the inauguration, they renamed them "Obama cookies". And yes, they showed the cookies.

The guy who owns the place couldn't understand why people were upset. Apparently when he made "dead goose bread" last week in honor of the US Air flight, no one complained. And yes, they showed the bread. Looked kinda mangled.

You just can't make this stuff up.


pinnyk said...

i dont get its. whats wrong with that? :-)

Who Me? said...

Ok, PinnyK, when you open a bakery, remind me to bring my video camera...should be entertaining.

Especially if we get everyone doubled over in pain after they eat the cookies!