Thursday, March 26, 2009

Do It Yourself

Did you know that if you buy a pair of piercing earrings in Wal Mart they give you the piercing gun for free as long as you're over 18?

No, I am NOT making this up.


Anonymous said...

Piercing gun? Huh?

Maybe Pinchas can tell me.

Anonymous said...

That's because the buyer doesn't neccessarily intend to hang the ear rings on his/her ears, thus, having staff create the piercing in the store would present a bit of an issue.

waiting to be deleted: 10, 9, 8..

Who Me? said...

Piercing gun only comes with the earring. Not the other assorted studs...

Not deleting you Tom...did I miss something?

Anonymous said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Eeuw!

And Tom is talking about body piercings.

Who Me? said...

Ok, so who wants to pierce the baby's ears for me????

Aunt A said...

Once again, Eeuw!

Who Me? said...

Ok, Aunt A is out.

Any other volunteers? (And yes, you have to get the holes even...)

Aunt A said...

PinnyK? Before you ask: no, not even for Purim.