Thursday, March 12, 2009

Shechiyanu Time!

So here's the plan. I don't use the new oven until Pesach so that I don't have to clean it. Yes, I know it's self cleaning, but that doesn't mean I won't obsess over every little nook and cranny.

What do you think - am I being practical or completely unreasonable?


Anonymous said...

Mazal Tov!

Unless you're starting to cook on Rosh Chodesh, my vote is unreasonable and obsessive. When I got my new oven, it was 5 days before I turned over my kitchen. I used it with leftovers only, all double-wrapped, and cleaned it anyway.

You can compromise by not putting any real chometz (grains) into it and then running the self clean.

Anonymous said...

And here I was going to say that all women will you are practical, and men will say you are obsessive. (And those of us who have known you since you were born know you are both anyway.)

Don't use it. It is less than a month. Heat things up in my oven (and if they are good, leave them here.) If you use it now, you will kick yourself in a few weeks.

Anonymous said...

Either way, that picture just doesn't look right.

Anonymous said...

Cool oven! Using it is not worth it. You'll save yourself a lot of hassle by waiting for Pesach. I hope the family like take out!

Anonymous said...

I guess the bottom part is a broiler and isn't self-cleaning. Go ahead and use the top part only and then run a self clean cycle. Unless you plan on exploding meals you aren't going to get it all that messed up in only a couple of weeks and you'll be able to cook again.

Don't obsess. It's ain't worth it.

Anonymous said...

What do you think - am I being practical or completely unreasonable?

Without reading the rest, the answer is obvious: completely unreasonable of course

pinnyk said...

nuff said.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tom; "don't obsess, it's not worth it" which can only mean, don't use it!! Imagine how obsessive you will have to be if you use it. I am sure there must be one or two meals Mommy and Tahtee have left in your freezer...

Anonymous said...

Seems like you've taken my suggestion and twisted it just a bit to fit your original intention. And I thought that only happened to me at work.


Enjoy your microwaved leftovers and toaster oven pizza. :)

Anonymous said...

Tom: And this surprises you, why?

Who Me? said...

Obsessive Compulsives of the World, Unite!

Am I the only one out there who obsessives over every inch, every spot?

Tom: Bottom is a storage drawer, not a broiler. I have a microwave, a grill, a toaster oven, a cooktop and a hotplate.

I incinerated the chicken on the grill, left the kugel in the microwave, but still managed to feed everyone over Shabbos. Kind of.

DG: Take out? Ha! You should know me better than that!

Mogo: If I'm unreasonable and obsessive it's just because I'm a product of my environment. So there!

Who Me? said...

Reva: Compromise? Sorry, no compromising here. Not when I'm the one who has to clean the oven. My job, my call.

Yes, I know I'm being just a tad dictatorial...but it's okay. I come by it honestly!!

Anonymous said...

Allow me to point out that practical and completely unreasonable are not mutually exclusive.

Anonymous said...

try one of these:

and if all else fails: