Thursday, March 26, 2009

Someone Must Have Been Very Thirsty!


Anonymous said...

wow... just wow...

Anonymous said...

In all fairness, it does seem to take place in a bar-type place, and they are not all beer- some of them were booze bottles, vodka I think. (Tahtee trained us well!) All you kids out there related to me: I suggest you not post saying you can recognize all the brands from the bottle shapes!

Anonymous said...

due to the nature of the previous post, i decided to post this anonymously.
I can probably guess the brands with about a 50% accuracy, based on color, shape, and labels.
Ha, all the kids out there related to you are in trouble now!

Anonymous said...

No, just you, because I know who you are.

Who Me? said...

Sorry, Anonymous, looks like your cover is blown.

Don't worry, you can come hide here.

Aunt A said...

Um, I can find him there...