Saturday, January 3, 2009

This Is The Life

Sure, I'm here to help. I take the baby when she's crying, but I give her back whenever I want. And I am an angel for having taken her in the first place.

I run out to the makolet if we're running low on something. And I am such a huge help.

Yes, I'm cooking meals, but everyone is sooo appreciative.

In short, I'm living a guy's life. I could definitely get used to this.


Anonymous said...

Figures that the one aunt with a trans-genderal name would be the one considering getting used to the guys life...

Anonymous said...

Someone has taken one psychology course too many...

Anonymous said...

Your not a gut, your a GRANDMA! Get used to it (at least till you come back to your house and other kids).

Anonymous said...

Oh, it's not the psychology COURSES that are the's the teacher :-).

Who Me? said...

So guys are like Grandma's???

Funny, can't picture you in a dress...especially not with that beard.

pinnyk said...

i thought it was the oppostite...zaidies are like girls!?!

Who Me? said...

How are Zaidy's like girls?

raizy said...

dont't you remember all your neices and nephews and kids singing

zeidie is a lady