Wednesday, December 31, 2008

A Truly Humbling Experience

A trip to the makolet. How hard could it be?

Apparently, very. Surprisingly enough, most of the product labels were written in Hebrew. I guess they're entitled, but it didn't make my life any easier. Try to find the right section in the teeny, tiny store. Locate the right item. Or try to. Not always as easy as it sounds. And I thought I spoke a pretty decent Hebrew! Next, try to figure out how much it costs. How much is 16.90 shekel divided by 3.73?

And then there was a trip to the freezer case to find chicken wings. How do you say wings in Hebrew? And I couldn't help but wonder what kind of scary things might be lurking in that freezer? And if the nekudos in Hebrew are the vowels, can't they put them on the packages so that I can actually figure out what I'm looking at?

All in all, the trip to the makolet took a very long time. And 3 phone calls home to make sure I was getting the right thing. Let's just say I'm going to really enjoy my next trip to Shop Rite!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And here I thought you were the world class shopper (not that I'd do any better)!