Thursday, June 4, 2009

An Actual Rant. Can You Believe It?

I can tell you in advance exactly how the comments on this one are gonna go. But I won't. That would spoil all the fun.

So, I went to Shul tonight, during Mincha/Maariv to drop off some fruit platters for a Bris tomorrow morning. Why did I go? Because neither of my boys came home before heading to Shul, and I had to get them there somehow. I knew the Shul would be open (duh, they were davening then, weren't they?) and figured I could just run in and out unnoticed.

I figured wrong. Which means I probably should have put on a sheitel and changed out of my Crocs. Whatever.

For starters, there were like 25 cars in the parking lot. And more coming every minute. Constantly guys going in and out. Even my own two missing menfolk were there.

So here's the thing. Every night and every morning, guys have this major social event. I could go an entire week without seeing everyone I know and here guys see a million people twice a day. Major culture shock for me.

Who knew all this was going on every day?


Reva said...

Uncle rant's been going to shul 3x a day for a long as you're married (won't say how long that is), and you just discovered this now?

By the way, loved the MOGO book!

Moderate...errrr said...

um ye....welcome to the world of being a guy. thats y we ont shiek every time we see one of our friends

Aunt A said...

In answer to your final question: the rest of us.

D'uh. Did you really think when they come home late it's because davening ran longer?

MOGO said...

I think you and all of your friends should start going twice a day too!

Aunt A said...

Y2K, please don't address that.

Who Me? said...

Sorry for being so dense!

Just can't believe they were having all that fun while we're stuck here cleaning up the supper dishes!

Doesn't seem fair, does it?

Aunt A said...

No... on the other hand, even if it wasn't that much fun, we'd still be stuck doing the supper dishes, which would certainly motivate them to go in any case.

On the other hand, I am sure our husbands and sons daily appreciate that we are busy holding down the fort while they are out hanging with their friends. Right, guys?

Y2K said...

Oh, yes, Mommy! Of course we do!

Pinny K said...


MOGO said...

Absolutely! We can't believe how lucky we are to have you!

Y3K said...

Even those of us who don't run out to shul appreciate all your hard work!

Anonymous said...

We could never manage without...oh, who am I kidding?

Who Me? said...


Someone out there want to tell me how y3k is posting if I'm on the computer??????

Aunt A said...

Oops. Didn't think of that.

y2k said...

It's probably the same person who hijacked my name. This is my first post on this topic. To whoever signed before as Y2K: We will make sure to hunt down and punish the folks responsible for these cowardly acts.

Aunt A said...

Y2K: You will sooo not.

Aunt A said...

...but I am sure that's what you meant to say, anyway. Right?

Reva said...

Someone hijacked MOGO also, unles the time stamp on these posts is wrong. Our computer was off well before midnight.

Who Me? said...

Omg! My blog's been hacked!!

Wow....that is soooooo cool!!!

Means someone other than my usual 6 readers actually noticed it.

Woo hoo!!!

Aunt A said...

Reva: No matter what time the post was, would you really think MOGO would say that? You've been married how long?

Aunt R: Um, not really.

y2k said...

I have come to the conclusion that all of the hackers are the same person (and I did not need Aunt A's comment back to figure it out)..."Pinny K" usually signs his name as one word (and it's blue underlined);I didn't do the original Y2K, and me, Pinchas and the real MOGO don't post within one minute of each other. But when you're my age, you don't mess with shadchanim, so she can continue to hack all she wants.

Aunt A said...

...and MOGO doesn't write how lucky he is to have his wife! Helllooo...?

It's OK, Y2k, you can mess with shadchanim all you want, for several reasons, which you probably don't want me printing. You do get credit, though, for being smarter than the average bear.

Reva said...

Of course I don't. that's what made me notice the time stamp. And anyway, whoever did write it, was trying to make us think he was being nice to Aunt Rant, not me, and he wouldn't usually do that, either!

whoever did write it said...

No, he was actually saying something nice to you, Reva, who stays home and washes his dishes while he runs out and has fun socializing - wait a minute, who are we talking about here?

Reva said...

Thank you!