Thursday, June 11, 2009

Drink Up!!

So what do you think? Do we let the kid take a fridge to camp?

On the one hand, if he takes the fridge, in the long run, he'll save money not buying drinks in the canteen. And we can control what he's drinking. He'll be happy to drink water and/or diet soda.

On the other hand, it seems sooooo jappy.


y2k said...

It is so NOT jappy, it's actually a great idea. Although in the past Rayim officially didn't allow fridges on the bus (that was always a fun conversation with the parents on the first day), so you might want to check out how that works out.

(But please don't delude yourself, there is no way to control what he is drinking.)(or not drinking)

Aunt A said...

If I remember correctly, there is a charge for fridges on the bus, which cancels out the savings... and yes, it is JAPpy, but why let that stop you?

Who Me? said...

No fridges allowed on the bus, but I think it was 20 bucks to send it on the truck. Which you're right, cancels out the savings.

But not the calories...

And why let the Jappy part stop me? Because he's 13. Once I allow it the first time, it's gonna happen every year.

Aunt A said...

Yup, and it's $20, and schlepping, and it has to fit in the trunk...wait, you are not taking the RAV. Still have to sqush it in the back, though. If I were not an aunt, I'd vote no fridge until he is staff. But since I am, OF COURSE my nephew needs a fridge! (Is he going the same half as Y4K?)

y2k said...

At this point, no one is taking the RAV anywhere.

Who Me? said...

Uh oh...has the RAV driven it's last Rav?

(And yeah, I changed the way my name comes up. Haven't decided if I'm going to leave it this way or not.)

Aunt A said...

It should come up as "Rant"!

And no, I think it's just on hiatus.

Aunt ? said...

You're definitely not controlling what he drinks, and more importantly, even the camps that allow a fridge don't usually allow it until they're staff. Check first, because you really don't want to shlep it for nothing.

(I figured if everyone else can change their name so can I. Any suggestions?)

Aunt A said...

"Mrs. Warthog" is out. How about "Mrs. MOGO"? "Aunt MOGO"?

Who Me? said...

Aunt ?: Rayim does allow campers to have fridges. And he is HAPPY to drink diet soda and water if he has them. Will he drink other stuff, too? Sure. Can't control it and not gonna lose sleep over it.

y2k said...

Don't worry, when he's staff he'll be drinking plenty of other stuff.

Aunt A said...

Um... not something a mother wants to hear. Do you want Y4K in your day camp for the next 10 years? You know Menny will make him staff next year. Maybe even camp driver.

y2k said...

Menny would NOT make him camp driver next year. There is not a chance in the world that he would pay someone to be a driver.

"Yeah, so you want to run the equipment room this year? Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get lots of tips..."

"Hey, Yakov, do you know why Mrs. K***** is not sending her kid back this year?" Uh, yeah, actually.

Who Me? said...

He's too short to be camp driver.

And Rant Jr. can't drink. He gets sick. Or at least he thinks he does, which is good enough for me!!

Aunt A said...

You will recall that one year, the canteen had a tip cup out front. Believe it or not, people actually gave your brother money!

Vani said...

Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.

Drink Fridges

anandhi said...

just linked this article on my facebook account. it’s a very interesting article for all.

Drink Fridges