Sunday, June 7, 2009

Time To Cast Your Vote!

So what do you think.

Have our kids outgrown the traditional summer story? I only have two kids going to camp this summer, one of whom has already told me not to send it to him in camp because he won't have time to read it.

Are we perhaps running out of ideas? Getting stale?

Should we quit while we're not too far behind?

(And yes, DG and Tom, I'll send you the old ones if you want, but don't know if you'll like them...)


Aunt A said...

Who cares if they have? We haven't!

And certainly, there are those in our family who will never grow up...

Osama said...

Come and get me, neener neener neener!

Aunt A said...


On behalf of the Eller family.

Reva said...

Hey, I have the oldest kids and they're waiting for the next installment.

Becki was very disappointed that she wasn;t in last summer's story and wants to be included this time.

JMDerech said...

Umm, what?

Osama said...

...nothing, now.

Who Me? said...

Ok, we'll see what we can do...

JM asked for it!!

MOGO said...


Moderate...errrr said...

well all read it. amis just embarrassed hell heve plenty of time. and besides, u need something to keep u occupied anyways

raizy said...

hey the rest of us enjoy getting them