Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Oh Ye of Eastern European Descent

I gave you more than enough time. Not one of you picked up on this.

Anything look bizarre about this picture?


We of European Descent said...

We don't look at hte pictures.

Who Me? said...

I spend all that time looking for just the right picture and you don't even look at them??????

raizy said...

well we do but not always the closest attention

MOGO said...

It would have helped if he picture was bigger, for those who can't read the can go here

Aunt A said...

Um, no, we really don't.

Especially the small ones. Our eyes aren't getting any younger, you know.

Watch it, those of you thinking snide remarks. I know who you are.

Who Me? said...

Hello? You guys really don't look at the pictures?? Think I'm gonna cry.

Aunt A said...

But we read the text soooo carefully! Even late at night!

Who Me? said...

K, truth is I put up the pictures to make it look nice. But now I can just use random pictures instead of obsessing over just the right picture.

Aunt ? said...

I usually look at the pictures, but not that closely.

Shir Chadash said...
