Monday, June 29, 2009

So Quiet!!

Who knew that sending one kid off to camp could make such a big difference?


Aunt A said...

That would depend which one kid you send...

y2k said...

I heard she needed an extended seat on the bus.

Aunt A said...

I dare you to tell her that to her face - on visiting day!

Aunt ? said...

One of my friends talked about sending one kid to camp and said that 4-1=0, that's how much it changed the family dynamics.

MOGO said...

send some kids, ours are allb gone!

Who Me? said...

No problem Mogo. Putting a stamp on #2's head as we speak..

Aunt A said...

OK, next kid that steps out of line...

MOGO said...

is that #2 of the new count or old?