Wednesday, June 24, 2009

My Kids Are Too Tall!

Am spending the night tonight letting down hems so that I can lengthen skirts for my girls. I think I needed shorter kids!


Not too tall myselt said...

Um, have you seen your kids?

y2k said...

Somehow I don't think Y3K will agree...

NTTM said...

Oh, right, Y3K must be the one she meant!

raizy said...

theres a limit to how short they could be, but i think its not that there too short just the sytle so i guess were stuck

Aunt ? said...

What could you have possibly found that could be too short? They look like mine. Nothing's too short on her.

Who Me? said...

Guess my kids are looking at different skirts than yours!

One wants them just just covering her knees. One wants an inch below her knees.

Shir Chadash said...

Don't the schools require skirts to be between 4 inches below the knee and 4 inches above the ankle, so that they are both covering enough and yet not, G-d forbid, stylish in any way?

Aunt A said...

Don't be silly, Shir Chadash - Rant children don't have 8 inches between knees and ankles!

Who Me? said...

Shir Chadash: 4 inches below the knee, two inches above the ankle, but just the uniform skirts. They actually gave out a little magnetic gizmo in school this year to measure 4 inches below the knee. You can imagine that y3k uses hers ALL the time!!

Aunt A said...

4 inches below Y3K's knee is at her ankle, isn't it?