Monday, June 1, 2009

I Love My Brother!

Took this out of the library just because I loved the name.


y2k said...

I love Donna-Jo Napoli (the author) even more.

Of course, this begs the question of who the first two warthogs were...

Aunt A said...

Wow, how did they get that ...oops, never mind. I am such a good sister.

MOGO said...

Please ask Uncle A if I can sue. How dare they use my name without my permission

y2k said...

Aunt A -

You may be a good sister, but you are depriving your brother's nephews of a good laugh. And in answer to your question, they probably got it off Geni - they email every pic update they get about mogo and friends.

Aunt A said...

Y2K: I'm not depriving them of anything - the smarter ones are obviously able to figure out my question themselves!

y2k said...

Aunt A-

Yup...and the, shall we say, not as smart ones don't (er, doesn't) read Aunt Rant.

Insert your own warthog comment HERE.

Aunt A said...


By the way, want me to find out if Donna Jo is busy?

Who Me? said...

Donna Jo? Now there's a name for a nice Jewish girl.

But who knows? She may be more interesting than some of the others!

Moderate...errrr said...

Napoli sounds italian...i think it would be prudent to stick with americans. i do know this nice girl tho....chooooooochoooooooo

Aunt A said...

Hey, it's better than LeQuisha!

Hey, Pin! Why do I hear a train whistle?

Who Me? said...

Or FormicaDinetteTable!

Pin...give it up! No trains!!

y2k said...

In case Y3K is wondering, the train reference is NOT in reference to her. Even if someone mentions the caboose.

y2k said...

There once was a man named Mogo,
Who as we see had his own logo,
When going on a trip to the best of his abilities,
He encouraged his kids to use the facilities,
Cuz on the road it they would be told "No go!"

Aunt A said...


Who Me? said...

y2k: Love the poem!! And let's just hope y3k doesn't read your comment!

Aunt A said...

I think he is hoping that she does.